tomchentw / react-google-maps

React.js Google Maps integration component
MIT License
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How can I add AnyReactComponent inside map #975

Open aakhan89 opened 5 years ago

aakhan89 commented 5 years ago


How can I add AnyReactComponent inside map? I have created CodeSandbox. trying to put **<MapControls googleMapStyle={this.mapStyle} />** inside map and the position should top left fix

Note: However google map not showing because of API_KEY, just want to put **<MapControls googleMapStyle={this.mapStyle} />** inside map

<GoogleMapReact bootstrapURLKeys={{ key: this.state.key }} center={{ lat:, lng: this.state.lng }} defaultZoom={this.props.zoom} defaultSize={this.props.size} options={mapOptions} zoom={13} yesIWantToUseGoogleMapApiInternals={true} onGoogleApiLoaded={({ map, maps }) => this.renderMarker(map, maps)} /> **<MapControls googleMapStyle={this.mapStyle} />**