tomchop / malcom

Malcom - Malware Communications Analyzer
1.15k stars 214 forks source link

Add Signature Malware #63

Open nice9uy opened 6 years ago

nice9uy commented 6 years ago

Hi.. This tools is really owsome, i have an idea, how if you add some tools to get the signature, country name and location for malware analysis

Thanks for you and thanks for malcom

tomchop commented 6 years ago

I'm not sure I quite understand what you're trying to achieve. You'd want signatures for malware network traffic? Geolocation of IPs?

nice9uy commented 6 years ago

can you tells me how? I use it for malware analysis, so with this I easier to detect any malware are doing on the network through result sniffing packages (this pcap file) that I did of wireshark. Geolocation with my location easily locate malware do communication, such as a google map.