tomdale / ember-cli-addon-tests

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"Precooking" Node Modules only works if addon uses expected Ember CLI version #213

Open jelhan opened 5 years ago

jelhan commented 5 years ago

I'm not 100%ly sure how the script for precooking node modules should be used. I've run it from an addon that depends on ember-cli-addon-tests by executing node ./node_modules/ember-cli-addon-tests/scripts/precook-node-modules.js. In that case the script picks up ember-cli from the hosting addon not the configured here. If that doesn't equal the expected one, this results in an dependency error thrown by ember-cli-dependency-checker.

mansona commented 3 years ago

omg I just got burned by this 🙈

I guess the simplest thing to do here would be to warn people when running the precook script of this scenario 🤔