tomer8007 / kik-bot-api-unofficial

Python API for writing unoffical Kik bots that act like humans
MIT License
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Admin status for on_group_message_received? #151

Closed Madrid-Lux closed 4 years ago

Madrid-Lux commented 4 years ago

Hey, sorry I'm kinda bombarding the issues these couple of days lol, I know I'm only supposed to do issue by issue, but this is not really a bug, just can't seem to figure it out. I've been playing around a lot & I really can't seem how to see a member's admin status with on_group_message_received. Does anyone have any examples? Thanks in advance. :)

tomer8007 commented 4 years ago

Do you mean a group admin?

If you are an admin, maybe you can try to promote_to_admin/demote_admin a member and see if you get a different status.

And why is on_group_message_received related? is there a system message that's getting sent whenever someone becomes an admin?

Madrid-Lux commented 4 years ago

I mean just checking if the member sending the message in on_group_message_received is admin in that group or not.

tomer8007 commented 4 years ago

You should be able to request information about the group with request_roster, and once you get an Group object, you can iterate its memebers and check the is_admin field.