tomer8007 / kik-bot-api-unofficial

Python API for writing unoffical Kik bots that act like humans
MIT License
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Is it possible to resolve an ajid? #190

Closed Sitiaro closed 3 years ago

Sitiaro commented 3 years ago

I've been trying to add a feature to grab the username of the person joining a chat but all I'm able to grab is the ajid. Is there a way to resolve ajid's that can help me with this? Or maybe some other method?

tomer8007 commented 3 years ago

What's an ajid? You can grab the username of a jid, not sure if you already know that or if it helps

tomer8007 commented 3 years ago

You can try to use the request_info_of_users function with your jid or ajid:

In case that won't work, it's probably also worth trying to replace jid= with ajid= in this line: