tomer8007 / whatsapp-web-incognito

A Chrome extension that disables read receipts and presence updates on WhatsApp Web
MIT License
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version 2.0.2+ doesn't work on Firefox: service_worker is not supported #147

Open OnlyNandan opened 9 months ago

OnlyNandan commented 9 months ago

Installed v2.0.2. had to change manifest.txt as it gave me a /background/service_worker" is not supported error. so i changed it to

}, "background": { "scripts": ["background.js"] },

the add on was uploaded properly. but when i open whatsapp i get nothing in that extension image

tomer8007 commented 9 months ago

Hi, I never designed this extension to work for Firefox, but first please try the 2.1.0 release I just published. Also look for JS errors.

OnlyNandan commented 9 months ago

Oh noted. I tried the 2.1.0 release and it have me the same "background.service_worker is currently disabled" error

tomer8007 commented 9 months ago

This sounds like a manifest v2/v3 issue. Are you aware of #38?

OnlyNandan commented 9 months ago

yep i tried #38 and i was able to intstall vs 2.0.1 on firefox which worked flawlessly .

v 2.0.1 }, "background": { "scripts": ["browser-polyfill.js", "background.js"] },

and v 2.0.2

"background": { "service_worker": "background.js" }, "host_permissions": ["*"], "content_scripts": [ {

there is a reference to service worker in v 2.0.2 and v 2.1.0


other errors can be resolved with the solutions present in #103

tomer8007 commented 9 months ago

So what is your error currently?

OnlyNandan commented 9 months ago

Main issue being that if i add v 2.0.1 to the ff then it get added and works without issue since it doesnt have background service worker. whereas the counterpart v 2.0.2 or 2.1.0 has background service worker which throws an error when added to ff. as ff doesnt support background service worker. and i was wondering if anyhow it would be possible to run the v2.0.2 upwards on ff.

tomer8007 commented 9 months ago

The service worker is a manifest v3 thing I believe, so this makes sense. You could port it back to manifest v2 and convert the service worker to a background page just like you did. You could also figure out if Firefox supports manifest v3 (last time I checked it didn't).

kamzone commented 9 months ago

Hi. You can try fixing it to work with firefox version of manifest v3 using this guide. Firefox made some changes to chrome implementation. It worked for different extensions. I'll try doing it, and if it will work I'll post an update.

OnlyNandan commented 9 months ago

Hey kamzone, Thanks for the update ill try this out if i am able to get it to work ill update. i can get it to work please do the same.

terrasaw commented 8 months ago

Hi @OnlyNandan, did you manage to make it work?

OnlyNandan commented 8 months ago

Hey, Nope no luck as of now. only got the older versions running.

bayazidbh commented 4 months ago

For context - what does Firefox do differently or otherwise still not support that's making this remain a blocker for newer versions of the extension?

And what about version 2.0.1? Is that fine?

OnlyNandan commented 4 months ago

For context - what does Firefox do differently or otherwise still not support that's making this remain a blocker for newer versions of the extension?

And what about version 2.0.1? Is that fine?

Its with regards to firefox not supporting manifest v3 yet

bayazidbh commented 4 months ago

@OnlyNandan is there something they haven't implemented yet, or something I'm missing, since according to this they already have it available?