tomer8007 / widevine-l3-decryptor

A Chrome extension that demonstrates bypassing Widevine L3 DRM
MIT License
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Error "It is recommended that a robustness level be specified" #50

Closed Suyashjain05 closed 3 years ago

Suyashjain05 commented 3 years ago

I'm getting this warning

It is recommended that a robustness level be specified. Not specifying the robustness level could result in unexpected behavior.


I was wondering if there is any way around to fix this.

Thank you

Suyashjain05 commented 3 years ago

This warning didn't used to come earlier

tomer8007 commented 3 years ago

This warning is related to the website that uses EME, and it pretty much means what is says. I don't think this is something to worry about as long as the media plays anyway.

Suyashjain05 commented 3 years ago

Well, the keys aren't showing, that's the problem and the only output given by the extension is this warning, there's no key decrypted. 😅

tomer8007 commented 3 years ago

I tried to silence this warning before in addRobustnessLevelIfNeeded (eme_interception.js), but I don't think it should matter too much. You can try to debug it to see if you get license requests or respones.

tvserial commented 3 years ago

I have a question about this..When i going sonyliv .com drm videos for playing key not showing...but fews days ago its showing...But Not showing now..What the issue??(Also mention that hbo,netflix,disney,hotstar working still...only not working for me

Suyashjain05 commented 3 years ago

I tried to silence this warning before in addRobustnessLevelIfNeeded (eme_interception.js), but I don't think it should matter too much. You can try to debug it to see if you get license requests or respones.

Well i can see the license request and response but seems like the extension doesn't see it as it stops with this warning.

Not sure if this happens in JS

Suyashjain05 commented 3 years ago

I tried to silence this warning before in addRobustnessLevelIfNeeded (eme_interception.js), but I don't think it should matter too much. You can try to debug it to see if you get license requests or respones.

also i don't think "addRobustnessLevelIfNeeded" function would be executed as i can see, this warning pops up from line 348 itself, therefore i think it won't execute the rest of the code below .

Note: "addRobustnessLevelIfNeeded" Function is located in line 391

tvserial commented 3 years ago

Object DevTools failed to load SourceMap: Could not load content for HTTP error: status code 404, net::ERR_HTTP_RESPONSE_CODE_FAILURE video-player.component.min.js?ver=3.2.60:3 It is recommended that a robustness level be specified. Not specifying the robustness level could result in unexpected behavior. drmSupport @ video-player.component.min.js?ver=3.2.60:3 (anonymous) @ video-player.component.min.js?ver=3.2.60:3 timnasa-obtains-new-power-1000113161?watch=true:256 [Violation] Avoid using document.write(). (anonymous) @ timnasa-obtains-new-power-1000113161?watch=true:256 (anonymous) @ timnasa-obtains-new-power-1000113161?watch=true:256 (anonymous) @ timnasa-obtains-new-power-1000113161?watch=true:256 [Violation] Forced reflow while executing JavaScript took 57ms timnasa-obtains-new-power-1000113161?watch=true:1 Unchecked runtime.lastError: Could not establish connection. Receiving end does not exist. [Violation] 'setTimeout' handler took 370ms The script has an unsupported MIME type ('text/html'). The FetchEvent for "" resulted in a network error response: an object that was not a Response was passed to respondWith(). Promise.then (async) (anonymous) @ service-worker.js:75 timnasa-obtains-new-power-1000113161?watch=true:1 Site cannot be installed: Page does not work offline. Starting in Chrome 93, the installability criteria is changing, and this site will not be installable. See for more information. The script has an unsupported MIME type ('text/html'). bundle.633ffe6e.js:1 Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: e.url.startsWith is not a function at bundle.633ffe6e.js:1 (anonymous) @ bundle.633ffe6e.js:1 Promise.then (async) p @ bundle.633ffe6e.js:1 i @ bundle.633ffe6e.js:1 (anonymous) @ bundle.633ffe6e.js:1 (anonymous) @ bundle.633ffe6e.js:1 (anonymous) @ bundle.633ffe6e.js:1 (anonymous) @ vendors~main.55ed33fb.chunk.js:2 fetchPriceConsentTray @ App.a0f152eb.chunk.js:1 (anonymous) @ App.a0f152eb.chunk.js:1 Promise.then (async) value @ App.a0f152eb.chunk.js:1 (anonymous) @ App.a0f152eb.chunk.js:1 Promise.then (async) (anonymous) @ App.a0f152eb.chunk.js:1 Promise.then (async) value @ App.a0f152eb.chunk.js:1 value @ App.a0f152eb.chunk.js:1 cs @ vendors~main.55ed33fb.chunk.js:2 Tu @ vendors~main.55ed33fb.chunk.js:2 t.unstable_runWithPriority @ vendors~main.55ed33fb.chunk.js:2 qo @ vendors~main.55ed33fb.chunk.js:2 bu @ vendors~main.55ed33fb.chunk.js:2 su @ vendors~main.55ed33fb.chunk.js:2 nu @ vendors~main.55ed33fb.chunk.js:2 Wu @ vendors~main.55ed33fb.chunk.js:2 (anonymous) @ vendors~main.55ed33fb.chunk.js:2 cu @ vendors~main.55ed33fb.chunk.js:2 Ju @ vendors~main.55ed33fb.chunk.js:2 t.hydrate @ vendors~main.55ed33fb.chunk.js:2 (anonymous) @ bundle.633ffe6e.js:1 Promise.then (async) S @ vendors~main.55ed33fb.chunk.js:2 1345 @ bundle.633ffe6e.js:1 s @ bundle.633ffe6e.js:1 a @ bundle.633ffe6e.js:1 (anonymous) @ bundle.633ffe6e.js:1 (anonymous) @ bundle.633ffe6e.js:1 post_api.js:132 ContentDispatcherService: no listeners for an event URLS_SAFE_CHECKSTATUS_UPDATED content.js:657 ContentDispatcherService: no listeners for an event URLS_SAFE_CHECK__STATUS_UPDATED safecheck.js:132 ContentDispatcherService: no listeners for an event URLS_SAFE_CHECKSTATUS_UPDATED The script has an unsupported MIME type ('text/html'). gtm.js?id=GTM-MNT9LL:5990 [Violation] 'setTimeout' handler took 164ms The script has an unsupported MIME type ('text/html'). The script has an unsupported MIME type ('text/html'). pubads_impl_2021032202.js:6 Exception in queued GPT command TypeError: Cannot read property 'addService' of null at Arguments. (bundle.633ffe6e.js:1) at am.push (pubads_impl_2021032202.js:6) at sk. (pubads_impl_2021032202.js:6) at sk.push (pubads_impl_2021032202.js:6) at I.value (bundle.633ffe6e.js:1) at I. (bundle.633ffe6e.js:1) at r (catchmedia.min.js?ver=3.2.60:3) at Generator._invoke (catchmedia.min.js?ver=3.2.60:3) at Generator.e. [as next] (catchmedia.min.js?ver=3.2.60:3) at h (bundle.633ffe6e.js:1) am.push @ pubads_impl_2021032202.js:6 (anonymous) @ pubads_impl_2021032202.js:6 (anonymous) @ pubads_impl_2021032202.js:6 value @ bundle.633ffe6e.js:1 (anonymous) @ bundle.633ffe6e.js:1 r @ catchmedia.min.js?ver=3.2.60:3 (anonymous) @ catchmedia.min.js?ver=3.2.60:3 e. @ catchmedia.min.js?ver=3.2.60:3 h @ bundle.633ffe6e.js:1 o @ bundle.633ffe6e.js:1 Promise.then (async) h @ bundle.633ffe6e.js:1 o @ bundle.633ffe6e.js:1 (anonymous) @ bundle.633ffe6e.js:1 v @ bundle.633ffe6e.js:1 a.value @ bundle.633ffe6e.js:1 cs @ vendors~main.55ed33fb.chunk.js:2 Tu @ vendors~main.55ed33fb.chunk.js:2 t.unstable_runWithPriority @ vendors~main.55ed33fb.chunk.js:2 qo @ vendors~main.55ed33fb.chunk.js:2 bu @ vendors~main.55ed33fb.chunk.js:2 su @ vendors~main.55ed33fb.chunk.js:2 (anonymous) @ vendors~main.55ed33fb.chunk.js:2 t.unstable_runWithPriority @ vendors~main.55ed33fb.chunk.js:2 qo @ vendors~main.55ed33fb.chunk.js:2 Xo @ 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(anonymous) @ bundle.633ffe6e.js:1 Promise.then (async) value @ bundle.633ffe6e.js:1 cs @ vendors~main.55ed33fb.chunk.js:2 Tu @ vendors~main.55ed33fb.chunk.js:2 t.unstable_runWithPriority @ vendors~main.55ed33fb.chunk.js:2 qo @ vendors~main.55ed33fb.chunk.js:2 bu @ vendors~main.55ed33fb.chunk.js:2 su @ vendors~main.55ed33fb.chunk.js:2 (anonymous) @ vendors~main.55ed33fb.chunk.js:2 t.unstable_runWithPriority @ vendors~main.55ed33fb.chunk.js:2 qo @ vendors~main.55ed33fb.chunk.js:2 Xo @ vendors~main.55ed33fb.chunk.js:2 Jo @ vendors~main.55ed33fb.chunk.js:2 nu @ vendors~main.55ed33fb.chunk.js:2 enqueueSetState @ vendors~main.55ed33fb.chunk.js:2 b.setState @ vendors~main.55ed33fb.chunk.js:2 value @ App.a0f152eb.chunk.js:1 (anonymous) @ App.a0f152eb.chunk.js:1 Promise.then (async) value @ App.a0f152eb.chunk.js:1 (anonymous) @ App.a0f152eb.chunk.js:1 Promise.then (async) (anonymous) @ App.a0f152eb.chunk.js:1 Promise.then (async) value @ App.a0f152eb.chunk.js:1 value @ App.a0f152eb.chunk.js:1 cs @ vendors~main.55ed33fb.chunk.js:2 Tu @ vendors~main.55ed33fb.chunk.js:2 t.unstable_runWithPriority @ vendors~main.55ed33fb.chunk.js:2 qo @ vendors~main.55ed33fb.chunk.js:2 bu @ vendors~main.55ed33fb.chunk.js:2 su @ vendors~main.55ed33fb.chunk.js:2 nu @ vendors~main.55ed33fb.chunk.js:2 Wu @ vendors~main.55ed33fb.chunk.js:2 (anonymous) @ vendors~main.55ed33fb.chunk.js:2 cu @ vendors~main.55ed33fb.chunk.js:2 Ju @ vendors~main.55ed33fb.chunk.js:2 t.hydrate @ vendors~main.55ed33fb.chunk.js:2 (anonymous) @ bundle.633ffe6e.js:1 Promise.then (async) S @ vendors~main.55ed33fb.chunk.js:2 1345 @ bundle.633ffe6e.js:1 s @ bundle.633ffe6e.js:1 a @ bundle.633ffe6e.js:1 (anonymous) @ bundle.633ffe6e.js:1 (anonymous) @ bundle.633ffe6e.js:1 logituitvideoplayerlib.js?ver=3.2.60:3 [Violation] 'setTimeout' handler took 52ms vendors~main.55ed33fb.chunk.js:2 [Violation] 'setTimeout' handler took 117ms logituitvideoplayerlib.js?ver=3.2.60:3 [Violation] 'setTimeout' handler took 67ms eme_interception.js:348 It is recommended that a robustness level be specified. Not specifying the robustness level could result in unexpected behavior. (anonymous) @ eme_interception.js:348 (anonymous) @ eme_interception.js:103 (anonymous) @ logituitvideoplayerlib.js?ver=3.2.60:3 e @ logituitvideoplayerlib.js?ver=3.2.60:3 (anonymous) @ logituitvideoplayerlib.js?ver=3.2.60:3 Promise.catch (async) (anonymous) @ logituitvideoplayerlib.js?ver=3.2.60:3 e @ logituitvideoplayerlib.js?ver=3.2.60:3 requestKeySystemAccess @ logituitvideoplayerlib.js?ver=3.2.60:3 (anonymous) @ logituitvideoplayerlib.js?ver=3.2.60:3 D @ logituitvideoplayerlib.js?ver=3.2.60:3 initializeForMedia @ logituitvideoplayerlib.js?ver=3.2.60:3 de @ logituitvideoplayerlib.js?ver=3.2.60:3 (anonymous) @ logituitvideoplayerlib.js?ver=3.2.60:3 activate @ logituitvideoplayerlib.js?ver=3.2.60:3 ve @ logituitvideoplayerlib.js?ver=3.2.60:3 o @ logituitvideoplayerlib.js?ver=3.2.60:3 eme_interception.js:348 It is recommended that a robustness level be specified. Not specifying the robustness level could result in unexpected behavior. (anonymous) @ eme_interception.js:348 (anonymous) @ eme_interception.js:103 (anonymous) @ logituitvideoplayerlib.js?ver=3.2.60:3 e @ logituitvideoplayerlib.js?ver=3.2.60:3 requestKeySystemAccess @ logituitvideoplayerlib.js?ver=3.2.60:3 D @ logituitvideoplayerlib.js?ver=3.2.60:3 M @ logituitvideoplayerlib.js?ver=3.2.60:3 (anonymous) @ logituitvideoplayerlib.js?ver=3.2.60:3 trigger @ logituitvideoplayerlib.js?ver=3.2.60:3 handleEvent @ logituitvideoplayerlib.js?ver=3.2.60:3

This issue showing on in console..but others sites working fine..

Suyashjain05 commented 3 years ago

@tomer8007 any solution to this? 🤔

ghost commented 3 years ago

It seems to be a problem (or a protection against widevine-l3-decryptor) on , not in tomer8007 extension. Also, try to use Chrome 88

tvserial commented 3 years ago

not working..

sahilkundu commented 3 years ago

This is also give me error like that it is recommended that a robustness level be specified. Not specifying the robustness level could result in unexpected behavior screenshot ** and this not give any Key

sahilkundu commented 3 years ago

I tried to silence this warning before in addRobustnessLevelIfNeeded (eme_interception.js), but I don't think it should matter too much. You can try to debug it to see if you get license requests or respones.

Bro how it is can fix give some details