tomerfiliba / plumbum

Plumbum: Shell Combinators
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recursive globbing not work like pathlib #628

Open yakkle opened 1 year ago

yakkle commented 1 year ago

recursive globbing not work like pathlib. Is this intented?

if cwd is /home/yakkle/tmp has subdirectory foo/bar, and has file in foo/bar :

>>> local.cwd // "**/*.zip"

will show empty list.

if base path is /home/yakkle/tmp/foo:

>>> local.cwd["foo"] // "**/*.zip"
[<LocalPath /home/yakkle/tmp/foo/bar/>]

will show found result. but it only 1 depth search. not recursive.

python docs says :

The “**” pattern means “this directory and all subdirectories, recursively”. In other words, it enables recursive globbing: