tomerfiliba / plumbum

Plumbum: Shell Combinators
MIT License
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[question] How to force plumbum to process selected CLI switch first? #633

Open vient opened 1 year ago

vient commented 1 year ago

Hi, it may be easier to show in code what I mean:

import logging
from plumbum import cli


class A(cli.Application):
    def debug(self):
        logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG, force=True)
        logging.debug('enabled debug logs')

    def another_option(self):
        logging.debug('enabled another option')

    def main(self, *args):'in main')

when run produces

$ ./
INFO:root:in main

$ ./ --debug --another-option
DEBUG:root:enabled debug logs
DEBUG:root:enabled another option
INFO:root:in main

$ ./ --another-option --debug
DEBUG:root:enabled debug logs
INFO:root:in main

Options are clearly processed in the order they occur in command line but in this case I would prefer to scan command line first for --debug option since if affects logs from other switches. I tried to extract --debug option in separate class DebugOptionProcessor(cli.Application) class and then use class A(DebugOptionProcessor) but it did not change anything. Is it possible to do?