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Meeting notes and other important planning documents for Toronto Mesh
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2018 mission statement review documents #99

Closed dasanchez closed 5 years ago

dasanchez commented 5 years ago

See issue #92 for reference.

I formatted the CryptPad contents for Markdown and fixed a few typos, but left the message untouched.

I would like to give everyone else an opportunity to share their thoughts before we move forward with identifying priorities and common goals.

Post your input below and I'll append it!

makew0rld commented 5 years ago

What I want from Toronto Mesh (excerpted from cryptpad)

There was a lot of talk in the Funding matrix channel (a while ago) about tomesh becoming a meta-org, where we just act as a gathering place for projects and even orgs that align with our goals. One of those projects may be mesh deployment, another may be a general funding org, whose whole purpose is to generate revenue and manage money for the other projects. In this way tomesh becomes the Toronto Network Commons, or something similar. As a meta-org, we would help out these projects and groups, and facilitate communication and synchronization of ideas between them. This is a bit unwieldy as a vision statement though, and so beyond the meta-org, I'd like to see tomesh provide decentralized services in Toronto, bringing Web 3.0 to our city. This can include things like workshops, outreach, IPFS, Scuttlebutt, cryptocurrency, and of course, mesh networks.

My new thoughts

Tomesh might be too small to become a meta-org. From what I've seen in this group, there is a lot of experimentation and proof-of-concept and messing around with tech that happens, which is important and fun, but hinders us from reaching a specific goal. We don't have one clear goal, probably because there are many different opinions within the group about what should or can be done, and so we fall back to experimenting and each person for the most part doing their own thing. Ideally, we become a meta-org so each person can explore their own interests and opinions, but realistically I don't think we have enough people to sustain multiple initiatives, and so we would fall back to what happens now. And what happens now is great, but there isn't a solid goal being reached, and a big part of me really wants to see something happen, mostly mesh deployment with offline-first, decentralized apps. This would be something with many fronts: legal, software, hardware, financial, design, outreach/education, marketing, etc -- and that's why it's so hard to pull off, especially when there are differing ideas. The solution is not to pick one specific goal that most people end up being unhappy with of course, but I think it would be nice to have a general goal like the one I mentioned above, and the details can be figured out over time.

With that said, if our goals are much more relaxed, that what we've been doing now is great, with demonstrable progress with prototype-cjdns-pi, all the demos we did at the mesh picnic, the workshop, etc. But I'd prefer something more focused, what has to be debated is what we'd lose in doing that.

benhylau commented 5 years ago

Is there a plan to draft a new statement to consense on at Nov planning meeting?

dasanchez commented 5 years ago

@benhylau Drafting and agreeing on a new mission statement could easily take a couple of hours...I think we should keep that activity separate from the planning meeting.

benhylau commented 5 years ago

I was imagining to draft before and during meeting discuss it.

dcwalk commented 5 years ago

I added mine, sorry for the huge delay.

dasanchez commented 5 years ago

Thanks @dcwalk, worth the wait! 😄

dasanchez commented 5 years ago

I posted a draft for the Vision part of the About page in a new CryptPad.

Please go to issue 92 and leave your feedback!

dcwalk commented 5 years ago

I just want to thank you for all your work on this @dasanchez! Wonderful :))