Open makew0rld opened 5 years ago
No flashing for updates Individual packages
Debian repository already decided upon as the direction we will go.
Can be installed, uninstalled, updated separately from each other
Debian repository. Obviously they will need to satisfy dependencies.
Checked off items have already been decided on based on the direction agreed upon (DEB repository)
Pre-compiled where possible Only when the original maintainers do this Otherwise it can't be verified that we aren't doing anything malicious Easily accessible package scripts online
The package build script will be available as open source repository and can be peer reviewed. Other considerations can be made when the repository is created about how the deb packages actually get built/released.
Decentralized updates maybe Hosted on the Internet and mesh
This is dependent on the how the repository is created/hosted and what it can do.
Other people adding modules
These will be rules set out at when the Debian repository is created. We would have to have some sort of checks/balances to keep the purity of the repository.
Decentralized updates maybe Hosted on the Internet and mesh
Could apt-p2p be used for this? Seems interesting.
@Shrinks99 I am against including another p2p system, another long-running service, DHT, etc. I'm thinking with stick with IPFS, since we are already using it.
IPFS is focusing on package managers this year and apt IPFS mirrors also exist.
Something to look into after we have everything converted to Debian packages and a centralized (regular) repo working.
Ideas of what modules should be like taken from from the HackMD Modules section: