tomgranuja / CayumanDjango

School workshops inscription web form for students enrollment.
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Improvements for workshop loading #63

Open ralamosm opened 2 months ago

ralamosm commented 2 months ago

@tomgranuja due to my own activities, I coded an small library called gspread-orm, which is about turning a Google Spreadsheets' sheet into a pydantic model. For example, in our case of the talleres spreadsheet, we can code a model like this

from typing import Optional
from gspread_orm.models import GSheetModel

class PeriodSheet(GSheetModel):
    """Model representing each row of the `titles` spreadsheet"""
    periodo: int
    name: Optional[str] = None
    teacher: Optional[str] = None
    cycle: Optional[str] = None
    c1: Optional[str] = None
    c2: Optional[str] = None
    c3: Optional[str] = None
    quota: Optional[int] = None
    full_name: Optional[str] = None
    description: Optional[str] = None

    def get_cycles(self):
        """Method to return list of Cycle objects associated with this row"""
        from cayuman.models import Cycle
        raw_cycles = self.cycle.split(' y ')

        output = []
        for raw_cycle in raw_cycles:
        return output

    def get_teacher(self):
        from cayuman.models import Member
        # return Member object associated with self.teacher string

    class Meta:
        # holds pointers to connect with the google spreadsheet
        spreadsheet_url = url  # url of the spreadsheet
        worksheet_name = period_str   # "periodo 3" or any sheet we want to fetch data from
        configuration = {...}  # configuration dict

So this model connects with spreadsheet_url and reads worksheet_name from it. The permissions to access that sheet are stored in the configuration dict (it's not complicated to do, you need to create a google app, give it access to the Spreadsheet API and share the talleres spreadsheet with an automatic user created by this configuration, more info here

Then, the whole sheet is loaded into the model and each field of the sheet is represented by one of the fields of the model. So for example we can work with it like this

def import_workshops(request, worksheet_name):
    """Admin view at charge of importing workshops from `worksheet_name`"""
    from cayuman.models import PeriodSheet

    # connect to the sheet
    PeriodSheet.Meta.configuration = conf  # get configuration from somewhere, most likely read from a local file
    PeriodSheet.Meta.worksheet_name = worksheet_name  # "periodo 3" or whatever

    # fetch row with id = 26
    salva_workshop = PeriodSheet.objects.query(id=26)
    assert == 'Web'  # this is true

    for row in PeriodSheet.objects.all():  # iterate over all rows of the sheet
        teacher = row.get_teacher()  # get Member object which is the teacher of this row
        cycles = row.get_cycles()  # get Cycle objects for this row
        # do your magic to import this workshop just as in the maintenance script

This way we can add a "Import" button in the "Period" screen of django admin, to easily import and re-import workshops directly from the admin instead of logging in and running a script by hand. Also, most likely (although I'm not sure) the combination of my module's gspread-orm and Google's gspread is more light than pandas and odfpy. This way we can work in #42 removing pandas which takes too much space in our server.

Would you like to try this? The steps of the task are like this:

  1. Add gspread-orm as a dependency to the project (explained at the bottom)
  2. Add a model like the one I showed above (actually it's a good skeleton)
  3. Write a new view under the PeriodAdmin class, like this one I wrote under WorkshopPeriodAdmin, to receive a worksheet name and then use the PeriodSheet model to import the data using a logic very similar to yours from "".
  4. Add a field to PeriodAdmin.list_display that will use this new admin view to show an "Import from gsheet" button on each period's row.
  5. Add some security so only superusers can use the view, etc.

What do you think? I believe it looks more complicated than it really is.

How to add gspread-orm to the project

Add this line to pyproject.toml

gspread-orm = {git = ""}

then run poetry lock and poetry install.