tomipiriyev / Loko

Tiny GPS tracker with LoraWAN
MIT License
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STM32L072KBU6 BOM issue #2

Open asprakash opened 2 years ago

asprakash commented 2 years ago

@tomipiriyev Do you have any idea to redesign the Air Unit schematic by using either RP2040 (Raspberry pi Pico) or ESP32 or both since the STM32L072KBU6 controller will not be available atleast until next year February.


tomipiriyev commented 2 years ago

@asprakash RP2040 cannot be used in this project, even at deep sleep it has high power consumption.

STM32L0 we have supplier

nextechDI commented 2 years ago

What provider recommend me for the STM32L0 and if all the pieces in the same supplier are possible?

tomipiriyev commented 2 years ago

@josmelmesa I used to buy 95% from but now because of silicon shortage it is hard to source from 1 supplier.