tomjaguarpaw / product-profunctors

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Add VoidProfunctor class #54

Open tomjaguarpaw opened 4 years ago

tomjaguarpaw commented 4 years ago

with Tom Ellis

tomjaguarpaw commented 4 years ago

Thanks for the great feedback. If you're happy to wait them I'm happy to discuss and polish until we feel we have the right design.

I agree that purePP should be pureP. It was only after realising that the analogue of lose ought to be loseVP under that scheme that I realised the scheme was flawed :)

If we're going for maximal consistency then I personally prefer naming everything after the standard Haskell typeclasses that exhibit the same properties. Curiously it seems that both DivisibleProfunctor and AlternativeProfunctor would be p a b -> p a' b' -> p (a, a') (Either b b'). I don't know how p a b -> p a' b' -> p (Either a a') (b, b') fits into this correspondence. Maybe the correspondence we found is a mirage! In any case, I don't think I've ever had the need for either of those two.

endgame commented 4 years ago

I think Divisible falls out from ApplicativateProfunctor. For contravariant functors, it's this:

class Contravariant f => Divisible f where
  divide :: (a -> (b, c)) -> f b -> f c -> f a
  conquer :: f a

If we profunctorise it, we expect that behaviour on the first parameter, so we want something like:

divideP :: (a -> (b, c)) -> p b x -> p c x -> p a x

We can get tuples in the first position of p b x and p c x with lmap fst and lmap snd. ApplicativeProfunctor already gives us what we need to write p2, so the only question remains is: what to do with the two xs? We need (x, x) -> x, which is uncurry (<>)!

So I think you can recover a profunctor-flavoured Divisible from ApplicativeProfunctor via:

divideP :: (Semigroup x, ApplyProfunctor p) => (a -> (b, c)) -> p b x -> p c x -> p a x
divideP f p q = dimap f (uncurry (<>)) $ p2 p q

conquerP :: (Monoid x, ApplicativeProfunctor p) => p a x
conquerP = pureP mempty

Symmetrically, can we construct a profunctor-flavoured Alternative from DecidableProfunctor?

-- Using "semigroupoids"-inspired classes because I think the 'Applicative' superclass might be a red herring?
class Functor f => Alt f where
  -- (<!>) :: f a -> f a -> f a
  alt :: f a -> f b -> f (Either a b)
  alt left right = (Left <$> left) <!> (Right <$> right)
class Alt f => Plus f where
  zero :: f a


altP :: p x a -> p x b -> p x (Either a b)

We can then use decideP id to get a p (Either x x) (Either a b), and this is where I get stuck: we can't sneak in Semigroup/Monoid to get out of trouble. Maybe we can profunctorise (<!>) and use p2 again, and use Monoid?

-- (<!>) :: f a -> f a -> f a
altP :: (ApplicativeProfunctor p, Semigroup x) => p a x -> p a x -> p a x
altP o q = dimap d (uncurry (<>)) $ p2 p q
  where d x = (x, x)

zeroP = conquerP -- !?

This seems surprising and strange. I don't know if I'm thinking too narrowly and this is only one possible monoid over profunctors of a certain subclass, or we're butting up against Mysterious Incomposability when Eithers get involved, or something else.

It does make me lean towards favouring the SumProfunctor and ProductProfunctor, because the ApplicativeProfunctor/DecidableProfunctor naming doesn't show all the possibilities. Maybe then {Sum,Product}`Profunctor can still have the applicative/decidable/?divisible names in the class so they can be replaced with more efficient versions?

endgame commented 4 years ago

Had an interesting talk with @gwils about this, and why it all looks so weird and asymmetrical. Basically, to recover one of (Applicative, Alternative, Divisible, Decidable) we take either the sum or product of p a b and p c d, do "the operation" of the typeclass (respectively: (<*>), (<|>), divide, choose) on the appropriate type variable (the covariant or contravariant one), and then do "something" with the other type variable.

Let's look at recovering the Divisible operations again:

divideP :: (Semigroup x, ApplyProfunctor p) => (a -> (b, c)) -> p b x -> p c x -> p a x
divideP f p q = dimap f (uncurry (<>)) $ p2 p q

conquerP :: (Monoid x, ApplicativeProfunctor p) => p a x
conquerP = pureP mempty

Why doesn't a Monoid-ish typeclass appear in the others? Why can't we do this for Alternative? For Applicative, we're working on the covariant variable with the Applicative operations pure and (<*>), so we need to map an "uncombining" operation on the contravariant variable. But what would a comonoid typeclass look like?

class Comonoid w where
  comappend :: w -> (w, w)
  comempty :: w -> ()

Both of which are trivial for any w. So we can recover pureP :: ProductProfunctor p => b -> p a b and applyP :: ProductProfunctor p => p a (b -> c) -> p a b -> p a c without an extra constraint. Similarly, if you consider the monoidal category (Hask, Either, Void) instead of (Hask, (,), ()), you get a different Semigroup/Monoid hierarchy:

class MonoidE a where
  mappendE :: Either a a -> a
  memptyE :: Void -> a

Like comonoids using (,), the MonoidE class is trivial. mappendE = either id id and memptyE = absurd everywhere. So that's why there's no typeclass hanging around when we're implementing the Decidable operations atop SumProfunctor.

And this is why we struggled to implement Alternative. We'd need a class ComonoidE which would look something like this:

class ComonoidE where
  comappendE :: a -> Either a a
  comemptyE :: a -> Void

comemptyE is impossible, and even if you delete comemptyE and try for some CosemigroupE class, I'm still at a loss for what sensible instances for a -> Either a a there are that satisfy an associative coappend.

sjoerdvisscher commented 4 years ago

Just like () is trivially a Monoid, Void is trivially a ComonoidE. But that's probably the only instance indeed.

endgame commented 3 years ago

Revisiting this again after some haskell-cafe discussion: I think the naming principles that are currently making me the happiest are:

class Profunctor p => ProductProfunctor p where
  -- Provide default in terms of (****)
  (***!) :: p a c -> p b d -> p (a,b) (c,d)
  -- Derived operations
  (****) :: p x (a -> b) -> p x a -> p x b
  -- In some cases (e.g., lifting an 'Applicative' via 'Joker'), the 'Semigroup' constraint is not required.
  -- But I think it's almost always necessary and so easy to get that it's probably okay to require it.
  divideP :: Semigroup x => (a -> (b,c)) -> p b x -> p c x -> p a x
  -- Alternate name: liftA2P?
  liftP2 :: (a -> b -> c) => p x a -> p x b -> p x c

class ProductProfunctor p => UnitProfunctor p where
  unitP :: P () ()
  -- Derived operations
  pureP :: a -> p x a
  conquerP :: Monoid x => p a x

class Profunctor p => SumProfunctor p where
  (+++!) :: p a c -> p b d -> p (Either a b) (Either c d)
  -- Derived operations
  decideP :: (a -> Either b c) -> p b x -> p c x -> p a x

class SumProfunctor p => VoidProfunctor p where
  voidP :: p Void Void
  -- Derived operations
  -- Returning @p a x@ instead of @p a Void@ keeps symmetry with 'pureP'.
  -- This seems fine, as the @f@ argument essentially says "@a@ is impossible".
  concludeP :: (a -> Void) -> p a x
  concludeP f = dimap f absurd voidP
tomjaguarpaw commented 3 years ago

Thanks, I like this rationale.

I'm uneasy about UnitProfunctor (and VoidProfunctor) though. A context of UnitProfunctor p => ... looks weird when it's the product that's actually doing most of the work (generally). Similarly, Semigroup a => Unit a (as opposed to Monoid a) would be pretty weird. On the other hand I don't have any better ideas.

Minor preference: liftA2P instead of liftA2

endgame commented 3 years ago

I would also be happy with:

class Profunctor p => SemiproductProfunctor p -- Formerly ProductProfunctor
class SemiproductProfunctor p => ProductProfunctor p -- Formerly UnitProfunctor

(and similar for sums)

Minor preference: liftA2P instead of liftA2

I assume you mean liftP2? I liked liftP2 because I felt it fit with existing convention (liftF2, liftU2/liftI2, liftM2). However all of those are for unary type constructors. For binary type constructors, the convention looks a bit different: biliftA2, bilift2. Would you prefer lift2P, liftA2P, liftP2, or something else?

tomjaguarpaw commented 3 years ago

I would also be happy with ...

OK, great. This is beginning to take shape. Semi... seems reasonable by analogy with Semigroup.

I assume you mean liftP2?

Ah yes indeed. In any case it is a very minor objection and I'm sure it can be resolved easily..

emeinhardt commented 1 year ago

I think I'm missing something, but what's the motivation (maybe somewhere in this comment thread) for why there's no common superclass of ProductProfunctor/SumProfunctor before Profunctor in the revised hierarchy?

Speaking as someone jumping into profunctors without the benefit of documentation or tutorials outside of what I can glean from papers, blogs and sporadic reddit threads --- please correct me if I'm wrong --- MonoidalProfunctor might be what a reader of de Oliveira et al 2022 would expect, but given what I understand of the revised typeclass hierarchy discussed here it sounds like SemigroupalProfunctor (SemigroupoidProfunctor?) would fit better than MonoidalProfunctor.

I also don't really understand exactly why all of this (the ProductProfunctor/SumProfunctor typeclasses +/- the revision) are missing from profunctors other than the vague sense that supporting profunctor optics might be the principle ("myopic"?) focus for design tradeoffs in the profunctors package, at least for the time being.

endgame commented 1 year ago

In theory, you could build out this hierarchy:

flowchart TD
    A(SemigroupalProfunctor) --> B
    A --> C
    A --> D
    B(SemiproductProfunctor) --> E(ProductProfunctor)
    C(MonoidalProfunctor) --> E
    C --> F
    D(SemisumProfunctor) --> F(SumProfunctor)

However, it gets awkward to use: SemigroupalProfunctor and MonoidalProfunctor require you to identify which tensor you're using when you define an instance:

import qualified Control.Category.Monoidal as C -- from package `categories`
class C.Associative (->) m => SemigroupalProfunctor m p | p -> m where
  (!!!!) :: p a c -> p b d -> p (m a c) (m b d)

class (C.Monoidal (->) m, SemigroupalProfunctor m p) => MonoidalProfunctor m p | p -> m where
  unit :: p (C.Id (->) m) (C.Id (->) m)
  -- These merge their two arguments using (!!!!), then pull the unit off using
  -- typeclass methods from `Monoidal`
  lunit :: p (C.Id (->) m) (C.Id (->) m) -> p a b -> p a b
  runit :: p a b -> p (C.Id (->) m) (C.Id (->) m) -> p a b

Even so, you can't put more than one MonoidalProfunctor instance on a given profunctor, even when it would admit multiple, so you lock yourself to one side of the hierarchy unless you use newtype and then your ergonomics of having a profunctor that can do both sums and products are gone.

Ironically, the reason I got into hacking on this package is that I want to do bidirectional printing/parsing. That is, you staple an encoder to a decoder like data EncDec a = EncDec (Encoder a) (Decoder a) and build up a build up a bidirectional codec at every step, and then pick out the one you actually want at the use site. If you keep a parser and a printer next to each other, you don't get Applicative or Divisible; instead you get "monoidal endofunctor with (,) as the tensor" (and similarly for Alternative and Decidable). Instead, people suggested I look into profunctors data EncDec a b = EncDec (Encoder a) (Decoder b) and where you generally stay on the diagonal p a a but can step off where really necessary. Then the sum/product profunctor machinery is a lot more ergonomic (particularly when you use something like generics-eot).

So overall I'm not sure what benefit a common monoidal profunctor superclass gives you here.

Hope that illuminates somewhat; let me know if it doesn't.

emeinhardt commented 1 year ago

In theory, you could build out this hierarchy:

However, it gets awkward to use: SemigroupalProfunctor and MonoidalProfunctor require you to identify which tensor you're using when you define an instance:


Even so, you can't put more than one MonoidalProfunctor instance on a given profunctor, even when it would admit multiple, so you lock yourself to one side of the hierarchy unless you use newtype and then your ergonomics of having a profunctor that can do both sums and products are gone.

I think I understand -- the same reasoning behind why e.g. defining a Semiring class (or figuring out how to use it) is a bit obnoxious.

So overall I'm not sure what benefit a common monoidal profunctor superclass gives you here.

In the short run, perhaps not much, but what about generally Arrow-like eDSL use cases where you want way more granularity than an Arrow gives you -- e.g. you can't or don't want to write a definition for arr, and hence profunctors /product-profunctors looks like the next most obvious choice?

For example, in Elliot 2018 the Cocartesian instance is associated with (,) rather than Either. Even there however, I'd guess that for similar reasons to what you outlined (+/- simplicity of exposition in a paper), we can see class Monoidal k ⇒ Cartesian k but not class Monoidal k ⇒ Cocartesian k.

endgame commented 1 year ago

I'm not quite sure how Semiring plays into it. class Semiring defines both operations in a single class, so you can usually get away with one instance for each type. The problem we have here is that the sums and products we care about are at the type level, and it is not necessarily the case that a given type will be both a SumProfunctor and a ProductProfunctor. So you need to be able to say "this is a monoidal profunctor with (,) as tensor" as well as "this is a monoidal profunctor with Either as tensor", necessitating multi-param typeclass. Then you have to decide whether to add a fundep to that second parameter:


I'm not sure what problems you foresee. SemiproductProfunctor gives you (***) and (&&&); you need Category to get (>>>) and maybe you need Strong to get first and second. ArrowChoice seems to be a combination of Choice profunctors and SemisumProfunctor. I have a suspicion that ArrowZero corresponds to SumProfunctor, but that there's no class corresponding to ProductProfunctor because of the way arr is put in.

Eliott 2018

I think it's more likely that (,) is by far the most useful tensor when considering Hask as a monoidal category. There are some packages that are explicit about which tensor they use (e.g., monoidal-functors), but the extra flexibility is not worth the notational overhead.

endgame commented 1 year ago

Also: What Elliot calls class Monoidal is what we call class SemisumProfunctor in #64 except with a Category superclass. Not sure how that fits in.