tomjn / block-comments

A prototype for block editor based comments
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editor name in wp.blocksEditor #6

Closed PsagnatAF closed 4 years ago

PsagnatAF commented 4 years ago

How can I call tomjn_editor by


tomjn commented 4 years ago

Hello! Can you rephrase the question? I don't understand what it is you're trying to achieve. _call tomjneditor by doesn't make sense.

If you have access to the core editor, then you have no need for any of the code in this repo, and should not be looking here. I'm pretty certain you're running into a dead end, or at least doing something terribly wrong.

If you need to put blocks inside another block, just use the official nested blocks API

PsagnatAF commented 4 years ago

Hi I try to insert blocks manually to editor

In native guttenberg

var content = "Test content"; var name = 'core/paragraph'; insertedBlock = wp.blocks.createBlock(name, { content: content, });'core/editor').insertBlocks(insertedBlock);

but in tomjn/block-comments this doesn't work.

tomjn commented 4 years ago

@PsagnatAF that's not how this works. tomjn_editor works the same was as the wp_editor function. If you want to do more you should look at the blog post I wrote about it, or the talks I've given, eitherway there is no data store here to insert blocks into. It just takes saved content as a string and presents a block editor.

If you're trying to manipulate those blocks at runtime programmatically, then you're going to have to make your own modifications. That function is too simple for what you're wanting to do, and you will need to understand how it works to do what you want to do.