tomkerkhove / promitor

Bringing Azure Monitor metrics where you need them.
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The future of Promitor is community-driven #2425

Open tomkerkhove opened 6 months ago

tomkerkhove commented 6 months ago

The future of Promitor is community-driven nowadays, as I do not have time to contribute code anymore.

Learn more in this blog post.

I am astonished how Promitor has evolved from an idea I had to an open-source product that is adopted by 160+ enterprises, doing 300 million requests per day. (based on the limited telemetry it offers)

Why are things changing?

Well... life happened - I became a proud father of 2 kiddos in the middle of a global pandemic, got a new job and did not need to use Promitor myself anymore.

That resulted in me having less available time to focus on Promitor and keep on evolving the product, although I definately wanted to do so. (for example support the new data-plane API)

What is changing?

Due to the reasons above, I am/have not been able to keep on contributing new features which may have been a point of frustration.

While I have been trying hard to fix this problem, I have to face the fact that I cannot solve it and have to go to a "external contributions" model where I am no longer able to contribute things myself.

Does this mean Promitor is deprecated? That will depend on how many external contributions are going to come in the next year:

  • If there are few, I will officially deprecated and archive the project.
  • If there are more and more contributors, I am happy to work with the community to transfer it to new maintainers inside the Promitor organization I will, however, still do releases for changes coming in when we have accumulated a decent amount of changes or a security patch was made.

How does this impact you?

In theory, nothing changes. However, it highly depends on how the community is going to contribute.

The best way, as a Promitor user, to ensure that it keeps on evolving is by making contributions to the project.