tomm / fab-agon-emulator

Agon Light, Agon Light 2, Agon Console8 Emulator for Linux, Windows, any system with libSDL
GNU General Public License v3.0
82 stars 19 forks source link

Black Screen #39

Closed Chandler-Kluser closed 7 months ago

Chandler-Kluser commented 8 months ago


Running ./fab-agon-emulator launches a GTK4 window with a blackscreen:




System Info

                   -`                    chandler@pc-quarto 
                  .o+`                   ------------------ 
                 `ooo/                   OS: Arch Linux x86_64 
                `+oooo:                  Host: B450 I AORUS PRO WIFI 
               `+oooooo:                 Kernel: 6.6.10-arch1-1 
               -+oooooo+:                Uptime: 5 days, 13 hours, 39 mins 
             `/:-:++oooo+:               Packages: 1858 (pacman) 
            `/++++/+++++++:              Shell: zsh 5.9 
           `/++++++++++++++:             Resolution: 3840x2160 
          `/+++ooooooooooooo/`           DE: GNOME 45.3 
         ./ooosssso++osssssso+`          WM: Mutter 
        .oossssso-````/ossssss+`         WM Theme: Adwaita 
       -osssssso.      :ssssssso.        Theme: HighContrastInverse [GTK2/3] 
      :osssssss/        osssso+++.       Icons: Adwaita [GTK2/3] 
     /ossssssss/        +ssssooo/-       Terminal: kgx 
   `/ossssso+/:-        -:/+osssso+-     CPU: AMD Ryzen 7 3700X (16) @ 3.600GHz 
  `+sso+:-`                 `.-/+oso:    GPU: AMD ATI Radeon RX 6600/6600 XT/6600M 
 `++:.                           `-/+/   Memory: 10456MiB / 15912MiB 
 .`                                 `/
astralaster commented 8 months ago

Please post the console output, too.

Chandler-Kluser commented 8 months ago


Chandler-Kluser commented 8 months ago

Debug Info

Building using branch 0.9-dev does not solve the issue. But, when using the built release from last week the video came out (as expected).

So, my suggestion is:

Interesting Fact

Curiously, copying sdcard and firmware contents from binary release to the built from source 0.9-dev branch gets this segmentation fault error:

$ ./fab-agon-emulator
[1]    2220818 segmentation fault (core dumped)  ./fab-agon-emulator
Chandler-Kluser commented 7 months ago

Somehow the issue has been solved in a recent commit, closing