tommag / TMC5160_Arduino

Arduino library for Trinamic TMC5160 stepper motor driver
MIT License
66 stars 24 forks source link

daisy chaining drivers #24

Closed imBunyip closed 1 year ago

imBunyip commented 1 year ago

i converted uart_chained_drivers.ino to this tmc5160 library. but im unable to get it to function correctly.

so far i can get it to find each device and switch the nao pin to find the next driver along the chain. so far i only have 2 to test with but i am able to find all 2 addresses 254,253. but i cannot for the life of me move each motors seperatly.

i am unable to run for example.

motors[0].setTargetPosition(dir ? 2000  : 0); 
motors[1].setTargetPosition(dir ? -2000 : 0); 

when running the code below both motors move the exact same, almost acting as one.

#include <Arduino.h>
#include <TMC5160.h>

const uint8_t UART_TX_EN = 8;  // Differential transceiver TX enable pin
const int MAX_MOTOR_COUNT = 2;

TMC5160_UART_Transceiver motors[MAX_MOTOR_COUNT];

int motorCount = 0;

void setup() {
  // init serial coms
  while (!Serial)

  // Init TMC serial bus @ 500kbps
  Serial1.setTimeout(2);  // TMC5160 should answer back immediately when reading a register. was 1 before

  // status LED

  // TMC5160 research on bus
  Serial.println("Starting to look for TMC5160 \n");

  bool chainEnd = false;
  while (!chainEnd && motorCount < MAX_MOTOR_COUNT) {

    motors[motorCount] = TMC5160_UART_Transceiver(UART_TX_EN, Serial1, 0); //starts at 0 no nai pulled up.

    TMC5160_UART::ReadStatus readStatus;
        TMC5160_Reg::IOIN_Register ioin = {0};

    // uint32_t gconf = motors[motorCount].readRegister(TMC5160_Reg::GCONF, &readStatus);

    switch (readStatus) {
      case TMC5160_UART::SUCCESS:
          Serial.println("Found TMC5130 @ address ");

          uint8_t address = 254 - motorCount;
          motors[motorCount].setSlaveAddress(address, true);
          Serial.print("New address : ");

          // This sets the motor & driver parameters /!\ run the configWizard for your driver and motor for fine tuning !
          TMC5160::PowerStageParameters powerStageParams;  // defaults.
          TMC5160::MotorParameters motorParams;
          motorParams.globalScaler = 40;  // Adapt to your driver and motor (check TMC5160 datasheet - "Selecting sense resistors")
          motorParams.irun = 14;
          motorParams.ihold = 12;

          motors[motorCount].begin(powerStageParams, motorParams, TMC5160::NORMAL_MOTOR_DIRECTION);

          //Motor init

          motors[motorCount].writeRegister(TMC5160_Reg::IO_INPUT_OUTPUT, 0);  //set NAO low

      case TMC5160_UART::NO_REPLY:
        Serial.println("No more TMC5160 found.");
        chainEnd = true;

      case TMC5160_UART::BAD_CRC:
        Serial.println("A TMC5160 replied with a bad CRC. Trying again.");  //TODO keep a count of failed attempts.

  Serial.println("Starting up");

// periodic delay
uint32_t t_echo = millis();
uint32_t t_dirchange = millis();
bool dir = false;

void loop() {
  uint32_t now = millis();

  // every n seconds or so...
  if (now - t_dirchange > 4000) {
    t_dirchange = now;

    // reverse direction
    dir = !dir;
    for (int i = 0; i < motorCount; i++) {
      motors[i].setTargetPosition(dir ? 200 * (i + 1) : 0);  // 1 full rotation = 200s/rev

    digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, dir);


i have commented out the line uint32_t gconf = motors[motorCount].readRegister(TMC5160_Reg::GCONF, &readStatus); as if uncommented it only finds one address,the motors dont move and it seems unable to switch the IO_INPUT_OUTPUT to find the next driver.

im using teensy 3.6 in arduino 2 and a max458 module. ive attached my schematic of the build, there are two boards that stack top and bottom.

daisy top daisy bottom
tommag commented 1 year ago

If you don't have a pullup on NAI you should use setSlaveAddress(..., false) ; check comment here

Otherwise are you sure that your motors are wired in exactly the same way ? Could they be wired so that they turn in opposite directions ?

imBunyip commented 1 year ago

i should have seen that my fault ! sadly it changes nothing setting setSlaveAddress(..., false) i still get the motors acting as one and am unable to differentiate the motors.. even setting the motors to,

      motors[i].setTargetPosition(dir ? 2000  : 0);  // 1 full rotation = 200s/rev
      motors[i].setTargetPosition(dir ? 20  : 0);  // 1 full rotation = 200s/rev

or trying to move just one.

motors[0].setTargetPosition(dir ? 200 : 0); // both still move

i have added the #define SERIAL_PRINT_ERRORS and #define SERIAL_DEBUG inside TMC5160_UART.cpp here is some output perhaps it can explain more,

this is the feedback from it finding the first driver on the chain.

Starting to look for TMC5160 

Read 0x2: 0x0
Found TMC5130 @ address 
Writing 0x3: 0x4FD
Read 0x2: No reply (0 bytes read)
{0x1 0x0 0x0 0x0 0x90 0x11 0xFF 0x1F }
Resetting communication.
Read 0x2: No reply (0 bytes read)
{0xFD 0x4 0x0 0x0 0x80 0x10 0xFF 0x1F }
Resetting communication.
Read 0x2: No reply (0 bytes read)
{0xFD 0x4 0x0 0x0 0x80 0x10 0xFF 0x1F }
Resetting communication.
Writing 0x3: 0x4FD
Read 0x2: No reply (0 bytes read)
{0x1 0x0 0x0 0x0 0x90 0x11 0xFF 0x1F }
Resetting communication.
Read 0x2: No reply (0 bytes read)
{0xFD 0x4 0x0 0x0 0x80 0x10 0xFF 0x1F }
Resetting communication.
Read 0x2: No reply (0 bytes read)
{0xFD 0x4 0x0 0x0 0x80 0x10 0xFF 0x1F }
Resetting communication.
Writing 0x3: 0x4FD
Read 0x2: No reply (0 bytes read)
{0x1 0x0 0x0 0x0 0x90 0x11 0xFF 0x1F }
Resetting communication.
Read 0x2: No reply (0 bytes read)
{0xFD 0x4 0x0 0x0 0x80 0x10 0xFF 0x1F }
Resetting communication.
Read 0x2: No reply (0 bytes read)
{0xFD 0x4 0x0 0x0 0x80 0x10 0xFF 0x1F }
Resetting communication.
New address : 254

Writing 0x1: 0x5
Read 0x2: 0x2
Writing 0x1: 0x5
Read 0x2: 0x3
Writing 0xA: 0x80400
Read 0x2: 0x4
Writing 0xB: 0x28
Read 0x2: 0x5
Writing 0x10: 0x70E0C
Read 0x2: 0x6
Writing 0x70: 0xC409001E
Read 0x2: 0x7
Writing 0x70: 0xC40D001E
Read 0x2: 0x8
Writing 0x6C: 0x10045
Read 0x2: 0x9
Writing 0x20: 0x0
Read 0x2: 0xA
Writing 0x0: 0x4
Read 0x2: 0xB
Writing 0x23: 0x0
Read 0x2: 0xC
Writing 0x2B: 0x23
Read 0x2: 0xD
Writing 0x25: 0x0
Read 0x2: 0xE
Writing 0x20: 0x0
Read 0x2: 0xF
Writing 0x27: 0x4EA4A
Read 0x2: 0x10
Writing 0x26: 0xF45
Read 0x2: 0x11
Writing 0x28: 0xF45
Read 0x2: 0x12
Writing 0x24: 0xF45
Read 0x2: 0x13
Writing 0x2A: 0xF45
Read 0x2: 0x14
Writing 0x4: 0x0
Read 0x2: 0x15
Resetting communication.
Read 0x2: 0x0
Found TMC5130 @ address 
Writing 0x3: 0x4FD
Read 0x2: No reply (0 bytes read)
{0x1 0x0 0x0 0x0 0x90 0x11 0xFF 0x1F }
Resetting communication.
Read 0x2: No reply (0 bytes read)
{0xFD 0x4 0x0 0x0 0xB0 0x10 0xFF 0x1F }
Resetting communication.
Read 0x2: No reply (0 bytes read)
{0xFD 0x4 0x0 0x0 0xB0 0x10 0xFF 0x1F }
Resetting communication.
Writing 0x3: 0x4FD
Read 0x2: No reply (0 bytes read)
{0x1 0x0 0x0 0x0 0x90 0x11 0xFF 0x1F }
Resetting communication.
Read 0x2: No reply (0 bytes read)
{0xFD 0x4 0x0 0x0 0xB0 0x10 0xFF 0x1F }
Resetting communication.
Read 0x2: No reply (0 bytes read)
{0xFD 0x4 0x0 0x0 0xB0 0x10 0xFF 0x1F }
Resetting communication.
Writing 0x3: 0x4FD
Read 0x2: No reply (0 bytes read)
{0x1 0x0 0x0 0x0 0x90 0x11 0xFF 0x1F }
Resetting communication.
Read 0x2: No reply (0 bytes read)
{0xFD 0x4 0x0 0x0 0xB0 0x10 0xFF 0x1F }
Resetting communication.
Read 0x2: No reply (0 bytes read)
{0xFD 0x4 0x0 0x0 0xB0 0x10 0xFF 0x1F }
Resetting communication.
New address : 253

this is the general feedback when motors are in loop

Resetting communication.
Writing 0x2D: 0x0
Read 0x2: No reply (0 bytes read)
{0x1 0x0 0x0 0x0 0x90 0x11 0xFF 0x1F }
Resetting communication.
Read 0x2: No reply (6 bytes read)
{0x5 0xFF 0x2 0x80 0x80 0x80 0x0 0x0 }
Resetting communication.
Read 0x2: Bad CRC.
Writing 0x2D: 0x2BC00
Read 0x2: No reply (0 bytes read)
{0x1 0x0 0x0 0x0 0x90 0x11 0xFF 0x1F }
Resetting communication.
Read 0x2: Bad CRC.
Read 0x2: No reply (0 bytes read)
{0x5 0xFF 0x2 0x0 0x0 0x0 0xEC 0xC9 }
Resetting communication.
Writing 0x2D: 0x2BC00
Read 0x2: No reply (0 bytes read)
{0x1 0x0 0x0 0x0 0x90 0x11 0xFF 0x1F }
Resetting communication.
Read 0x2: Bad CRC.
Read 0x2: No reply (0 bytes read)
{0x5 0xFF 0x2 0x0 0x0 0x0 0xED 0x40 }
Resetting communication.
Writing 0x2D: 0x2BC00
Read 0x2: No reply (0 bytes read)
{0x1 0x0 0x0 0x0 0x90 0x11 0xFF 0x1F }
Resetting communication.
Read 0x2: Bad CRC.
Read 0x2: No reply (0 bytes read)
{0x5 0xFF 0x2 0x0 0x0 0x0 0xEE 0xE }
imBunyip commented 1 year ago

i have tried debbuging more over the past days still no avail. i have noted that on the tmc5130 SWSEL exsisted and from the comment here the same should apply to the 5160 yet i cant find SWSEL inside the 5160 datasheet and never added it to my schematic. is this just copied from tmc5130 and not adapted as i cannot find an equivalant need.

some other weird things are happening, if i run the above example but change const int MAX_MOTOR_COUNT = 2; > = 8; // 8 motors. even tho only 2 are connected on the chain, on some occasions it apprantly finds 8 motors at new addresses which would sugest to me that readstatus switch is not reading correctly.

tommag commented 1 year ago

You're right, there is no SWSEL on TMC5160, it's a combination of SPI_MODE = L & SD_MODE = L that enables UART mode.

From the log you've posted earlier there's definitely a communication issue, you can see a lot of 'no reply' while trying to communicate with the first motor.

I don't really see why you commented outuint32_t gconf = motors[motorCount].readRegister(TMC5160_Reg::GCONF, &readStatus);. Indeed if you don't initialize readStatus by trying to read a register it will always evaluate at SUCCESS...

Sorry but it requires a lot of time to debug someone else's work... even more so when it's derived from mine (how can i know exactly what you've changed and what you've kept ???)

I would suggest hooking up a logic analyser to the UART bus between the controller and first motor, and between the first and second motors to check what really happens on the RS485 bus. This will help you to see if there is a timing issue somewhere.

And I think that you need to address first the issue of why the first motor doesn't reply. Maybe a NAI high/low issue.

tommag commented 1 year ago

Also, reading again the TMC5160 datasheet, if you only need 2 motors :

5.4 Addressing Multiple Slaves ADDRESSING ONE OR TWO SLAVES If only one or two TMC5160 are addressed by a master using a single UART interface, a hardware address selection can be done by setting the NAI pins of both devices to different levels.

Just set NAI (MOSI) on one of your devices to LOW, NAI on the other to HIGH, tie SWP and SWN of both drivers together with the RS485 output and you're done.

imBunyip commented 1 year ago

yea i know i can get two along the chain with nai high low on each different device ,sadly im only testing with two to eventually have more along the chain.

im away from home now and cannot hook up an analyser, if i cant get it to work soon ill do some tests when home. i uncommented uint32_t gconf = motors[motorCount].readRegister(TMC5160_Reg::GCONF, &readStatus);. because at first it was only able to find one motor,

im getting these warnings, when trying to compile the original code above with uint32_t gconf line uncommented.

38:12: warning: enumeration value 'INVALID_FORMAT' not handled in switch [-Wswitch]
     switch (readStatus) {


/Users/me/Documents/Arduino/libraries/TMC5160_Arduino-master/src/TMC5160_UART.cpp: In member function 'uint32_t TMC5160_UART_Generic::readRegister(uint8_t, TMC5160_UART_Generic::ReadStatus*)':
/Users/me/Documents/Arduino/libraries/TMC5160_Arduino-master/src/TMC5160_UART.cpp:55:13: warning: 'readStatus' may be used uninitialized in this function [-Wmaybe-uninitialized]
  ReadStatus readStatus;

from what i read online even tho these are warnings if it is not initialized then it will output undefined possible random behaviour.

in the printed errors im also at times getting bad crc, which if true would mean whilst in the readstatus switch it should call case TMC5160_UART::BAD_CRC: yet it never has.

the nai high low on the first motors is working,i have also individually tested the switches manually.

so far i have not changed anything from what you can see above, in the schematic and the code. my hunch is that the switch is not working because of the readstatus warnings.

i understand its hard to debug something of someone else,but your already helping loads,


tommag commented 1 year ago

Mmmh reading gconf (or any register for that matter) is NOT OPTIONAL if you want readStatus to have a meaningful value...

Have a look again at this code :

TMC5160_UART::ReadStatus readStatus;
uint32_t gconf = motors[motorCount].readRegister(TMC5160_Reg::GCONF, &readStatus);
switch (readStatus) {...

If you don't execute readRegister then readStatus will never change from its initialization value, which is SUCCESS.

The important bit for motor detection is the result of this initial read, either it returns SUCCESS which means there is a motor replying, or any other status code which means there isn't. By commenting this line you're just skipping the test.

Don't worry about the warnings they're not important here.

imBunyip commented 1 year ago

ok so running the code with it like this,

TMC5160_UART::ReadStatus readStatus;
uint32_t gconf = motors[motorCount].readRegister(TMC5160_Reg::GCONF, &readStatus);
switch (readStatus) {...

it only finds one motor now, the motor does enable however ,but it is no longer able to switch nao i.e IO_INPUT_OUTPUT ,and therefore doesnt find the next motor. the motor also no longer moves now.

it outputs this

Starting to look for TMC5160 

Read 0x2: 0x0
Read 0x0: 0x9
Found TMC5130 @ address 
Writing 0x3: 0x2FD
Read 0x2: No reply (0 bytes read)
{0x1 0x0 0x0 0x0 0x90 0x11 0xFF 0x1F }
Resetting communication.

and it finds the new motor at address 254 etc,

tommag commented 1 year ago

Now this is looking much better.

Check out my first comment I'm pretty sure you haven't changed setSlaveAddress with false to take into account that NAI is low and not high. Also you can't use address 254 with NAI low so you should start at 253 (check description of register 0x03 in the datasheet)

imBunyip commented 1 year ago

ok so im using this to move motors.

    motors[0].setTargetPosition(dir ? 200 : 0);   
    motors[1].setTargetPosition(dir ? 2000 : 0);  

changing from 254 to 253 acts as so uint8_t address = 254 - motorCount; // using this both motors move as tho there motors[1] i.e back and forth between 2000 and 0 to uint8_t address = 253 - motorCount; // using this it finds 2 motors and the first motor moves as expected. i.e motors[0] the second does not move

seems to be working better but the second motor does not move ,to (dir ? 2000 : 0) as it should first motor seems correct but im still getting allot of no reply from feedback.

yes originaly void setSlaveAddress(uint8_t slaveAddress, bool NAI=true); is definitely set as false within TMC5160.h like so void setSlaveAddress(uint8_t slaveAddress, bool NAI=false); and also like so motors[motorCount].setSlaveAddress(address, false); and here void TMC5160_UART_Generic::setSlaveAddress(uint8_t slaveAddress, bool NAI = false)

tommag commented 1 year ago

Please post the log of the init as you did before, otherwise I can't give you any advice.

imBunyip commented 1 year ago

full log here, finds both motors ,motor 0 moves back and forth 200 and 0 , motor 1 does not move. tarting to look for TMC5160

Read 0x2: 0x0 Read 0x0: 0x9 Found TMC5130 @ address Writing 0x3: 0x2FD Read 0x2: No reply (0 bytes read) {0x1 0x0 0x0 0x0 0x90 0x11 0xFF 0x1F } Resetting communication. Read 0x2: No reply (0 bytes read) {0xFD 0x2 0x0 0x0 0x34 0x7 0xFF 0x1F } Resetting communication. Read 0x2: No reply (0 bytes read) {0xFD 0x2 0x0 0x0 0x34 0x7 0xFF 0x1F } Resetting communication. Writing 0x3: 0x2FD Read 0x2: No reply (0 bytes read) {0x1 0x0 0x0 0x0 0x90 0x11 0xFF 0x1F } Resetting communication. Read 0x2: No reply (0 bytes read) {0xFD 0x2 0x0 0x0 0x34 0x7 0xFF 0x1F } Resetting communication. Read 0x2: No reply (0 bytes read) {0xFD 0x2 0x0 0x0 0x34 0x7 0xFF 0x1F } Resetting communication. Writing 0x3: 0x2FD Read 0x2: No reply (0 bytes read) {0x1 0x0 0x0 0x0 0x90 0x11 0xFF 0x1F } Resetting communication. Read 0x2: No reply (0 bytes read) {0xFD 0x2 0x0 0x0 0x34 0x7 0xFF 0x1F } Resetting communication. Read 0x2: No reply (0 bytes read) {0xFD 0x2 0x0 0x0 0x34 0x7 0xFF 0x1F } Resetting communication. New address : 253

Writing 0x1: 0x5 Read 0x2: 0x2 Writing 0x1: 0x5 Read 0x2: 0x3 Writing 0xA: 0x80400 Read 0x2: 0x4 Writing 0xB: 0x28 Read 0x2: 0x5 Writing 0x10: 0x70E0C Read 0x2: 0x6 Writing 0x70: 0xC409001E Read 0x2: 0x7 Writing 0x70: 0xC40D001E Read 0x2: 0x8 Writing 0x6C: 0x10045 Read 0x2: 0x9 Writing 0x20: 0x0 Read 0x2: 0xA Writing 0x0: 0x4 Read 0x2: 0xB Writing 0x23: 0x0 Read 0x2: 0xC Writing 0x2B: 0x23 Read 0x2: 0xD Writing 0x25: 0x0 Read 0x2: 0xE Writing 0x20: 0x0 Read 0x2: 0xF Writing 0x27: 0x4EA4A Read 0x2: 0x10 Writing 0x26: 0xF45 Read 0x2: 0x11 Writing 0x28: 0xF45 Read 0x2: 0x12 Writing 0x24: 0xF45 Read 0x2: 0x13 Writing 0x2A: 0xF45 Read 0x2: 0x14 Writing 0x4: 0x0 Read 0x2: 0x15 Resetting communication. Read 0x2: 0x0 Read 0x0: 0x9 Found TMC5130 @ address Writing 0x3: 0x2FC Read 0x2: No reply (0 bytes read) {0x1 0x0 0x0 0x0 0x90 0x11 0xFF 0x1F } Resetting communication. Read 0x2: No reply (0 bytes read) {0xFC 0x2 0x0 0x0 0x34 0x7 0xFF 0x1F } Resetting communication. Read 0x2: No reply (0 bytes read) {0xFC 0x2 0x0 0x0 0x34 0x7 0xFF 0x1F } Resetting communication. Writing 0x3: 0x2FC Read 0x2: No reply (0 bytes read) {0x1 0x0 0x0 0x0 0x90 0x11 0xFF 0x1F } Resetting communication. Read 0x2: No reply (0 bytes read) {0xFC 0x2 0x0 0x0 0x34 0x7 0xFF 0x1F } Resetting communication. Read 0x2: No reply (0 bytes read) {0xFC 0x2 0x0 0x0 0x34 0x7 0xFF 0x1F } Resetting communication. Writing 0x3: 0x2FC Read 0x2: No reply (0 bytes read) {0x1 0x0 0x0 0x0 0x90 0x11 0xFF 0x1F } Resetting communication. Read 0x2: No reply (0 bytes read) {0xFC 0x2 0x0 0x0 0x34 0x7 0xFF 0x1F } Resetting communication. Read 0x2: No reply (0 bytes read) {0xFC 0x2 0x0 0x0 0x34 0x7 0xFF 0x1F } Resetting communication. New address : 252

Writing 0x1: 0x5 Read 0x2: 0x2 Writing 0x1: 0x5 Read 0x2: 0x3 Writing 0xA: 0x80400 Read 0x2: 0x4 Writing 0xB: 0x28 Read 0x2: 0x5 Writing 0x10: 0x70E0C Read 0x2: 0x6 Writing 0x70: 0xC409001E Read 0x2: 0x7 Writing 0x70: 0xC40D001E Read 0x2: 0x8 Writing 0x6C: 0x10045 Read 0x2: 0x9 Writing 0x20: 0x0 Read 0x2: 0xA Writing 0x0: 0x4 Read 0x2: 0xB Writing 0x23: 0x0 Read 0x2: 0xC Writing 0x2B: 0x23 Read 0x2: 0xD Writing 0x25: 0x0 Read 0x2: 0xE Writing 0x20: 0x0 Read 0x2: 0xF Writing 0x27: 0x4EA4A Read 0x2: 0x10 Writing 0x26: 0xF45 Read 0x2: 0x11 Writing 0x28: 0xF45 Read 0x2: 0x12 Writing 0x24: 0xF45 Read 0x2: 0x13 Writing 0x2A: 0xF45 Read 0x2: 0x14 Writing 0x4: 0x0 Read 0x2: No reply (0 bytes read) {0x1 0x0 0x0 0x0 0x90 0x11 0xFF 0x1F } Resetting communication. Read 0x2: 0x15 Resetting communication. Starting up Writing 0x2D: 0xC800 Read 0x2: No reply (0 bytes read) {0x1 0x0 0x0 0x0 0x90 0x11 0xFF 0x1F } Resetting communication. Read 0x2: 0x16 Writing 0x2D: 0x7D000 Read 0x2: No reply (0 bytes read) {0x1 0x0 0x0 0x0 0x90 0x11 0xFF 0x1F } Resetting communication. Read 0x2: 0x15 Writing 0x2D: 0x7D000 Read 0x2: No reply (0 bytes read) {0x1 0x0 0x0 0x0 0x90 0x11 0xFF 0x1F } Resetting communication.

tommag commented 1 year ago

It looks like communication to motor 1 is working well for init (you can see Read 0x2 incrementing, this is the write counter indicating that registers are successfully written. Then after motor 0 has started, it doesn't work so well (Read 0x2 returns 0x15 instead of 0x16 which means that the write to 0x2D = XTARGET has failed).

Maybe an interference issue on the bus when the first motor starts to run ? Try to set motor 1 position before motor 0 to see if it changes anything ?

I won't be able to help you any further, I think you'll need a logic analyzer / oscilloscope on the bus to go further.

imBunyip commented 1 year ago

yep, setting motor 1 position before the 0 makes motor 1 work going between 0 and 2000. again the other motor 0 does not.

could be interference.the pcb is very compact, im currently chaining them with an aux to aux cable.

thanks for your time , ill get out an analyzer when home and possible be back here.

imBunyip commented 1 year ago

im back a little sooner than expected, i got it to work i can control the two motors seperatly and they work as expected. i changed the line Serial1.begin(500000); to Serial1.begin(250000); // changing this both motor move correctly for the first time

set timeout is like so


there are still some no replys in the print error log. here is the new log

Starting to look for TMC5160 

Found TMC5130 @ address 
Read 0x2: No reply (0 bytes read)
{0x36 0x34 0x0 0x0 0x0 0x0 0x0 0x21 }
Read 0x2: No reply (0 bytes read)
{0x60 0xEA 0x0 0x0 0x7D 0x4 0x0 0x0 }
Read 0x2: No reply (0 bytes read)
{0x60 0xEA 0x0 0x0 0x7D 0x4 0x0 0x0 }
Read 0x2: No reply (0 bytes read)
{0x36 0x34 0x0 0x0 0x0 0x0 0x0 0x21 }
Read 0x2: No reply (0 bytes read)
{0x60 0xEA 0x0 0x0 0x7D 0x4 0x0 0x0 }
Read 0x2: No reply (0 bytes read)
{0x60 0xEA 0x0 0x0 0x7D 0x4 0x0 0x0 }
Read 0x2: No reply (0 bytes read)
{0x3 0x0 0x0 0x0 0xF9 0xFF 0xFF 0xFF }
Read 0x2: No reply (0 bytes read)
{0x60 0xEA 0x0 0x0 0x7D 0x4 0x0 0x0 }
Read 0x2: No reply (0 bytes read)
{0x60 0xEA 0x0 0x0 0x7D 0x4 0x0 0x0 }
New address : 253

Found TMC5130 @ address 
Read 0x2: No reply (0 bytes read)
{0x1 0x0 0x0 0x0 0x38 0xFF 0x2 0x20 }
Read 0x2: No reply (0 bytes read)
{0x1 0x0 0x0 0x0 0x38 0xFF 0x2 0x20 }
Read 0x2: No reply (0 bytes read)
{0x1 0x0 0x0 0x0 0x38 0xFF 0x2 0x20 }
Read 0x2: No reply (0 bytes read)
{0x1 0x0 0x0 0x0 0x38 0xFF 0x2 0x20 }
Read 0x2: No reply (0 bytes read)
{0x1 0x0 0x0 0x0 0x38 0xFF 0x2 0x20 }
Read 0x2: No reply (0 bytes read)
{0x1 0x0 0x0 0x0 0x38 0xFF 0x2 0x20 }
Read 0x2: No reply (0 bytes read)
{0x1 0x0 0x0 0x0 0x38 0xFF 0x2 0x20 }
Read 0x2: No reply (0 bytes read)
{0x1 0x0 0x0 0x0 0x38 0xFF 0x2 0x20 }
Read 0x2: No reply (0 bytes read)
{0x1 0x0 0x0 0x0 0x38 0xFF 0x2 0x20 }
New address : 252

Read 0x2: No reply (0 bytes read)
{0x5 0xFF 0x2 0x0 0x50 0xFF 0x2 0x20 }
Starting up
Read 0x2: No reply (0 bytes read)
{0x0 0x0 0x0 0x0 0x98 0xFF 0x2 0x20 }
Read 0x2: No reply (0 bytes read)
{0x5 0xFF 0x2 0x0 0x98 0xFF 0x2 0x20 }
Read 0x2: No reply (0 bytes read)
{0x0 0x0 0x0 0x0 0x98 0xFF 0x2 0x20 }
Read 0x2: No reply (0 bytes read)
{0x5 0xFF 0x2 0x0 0x98 0xFF 0x2 0x20 }
Read 0x2: No reply (0 bytes read)
{0x5 0xFF 0x2 0x0 0x98 0xFF 0x2 0x20 }
Read 0x2: No reply (0 bytes read)
{0x0 0x0 0x0 0x0 0x98 0xFF 0x2 0x20 }
Read 0x2: No reply (0 bytes read)
{0x5 0xFF 0x2 0x0 0x98 0xFF 0x2 0x20 }
Read 0x2: No reply (0 bytes read)
{0x0 0x0 0x0 0x0 0x98 0xFF 0x2 0x20 }
Read 0x2: No reply (0 bytes read)
{0x5 0xFF 0x2 0x0 0x98 0xFF 0x2 0x20 }
Read 0x2: No reply (0 bytes read)
{0x0 0x0 0x0 0x0 0x98 0xFF 0x2 0x20 }
Read 0x2: No reply (0 bytes read)
{0x5 0xFF 0x2 0x0 0x98 0xFF 0x2 0x20 }

this is with just #define SERIAL_PRINT_ERRORS uncommented. if i uncomment both


only motor one moves,

here is the log of both lines uncommented

Starting to look for TMC5160 

Read 0x2: 0x0
Read 0x0: 0x9
Found TMC5130 @ address 
Writing 0x3: 0x2FD
Read 0x2: No reply (0 bytes read)
{0x1 0x0 0x0 0x0 0x90 0x11 0xFF 0x1F }
Resetting communication.
Read 0x2: No reply (0 bytes read)
{0xFD 0x2 0x0 0x0 0x34 0x7 0xFF 0x1F }
Resetting communication.
Read 0x2: No reply (0 bytes read)
{0xFD 0x2 0x0 0x0 0x34 0x7 0xFF 0x1F }
Resetting communication.
Writing 0x3: 0x2FD
Read 0x2: No reply (0 bytes read)
{0x1 0x0 0x0 0x0 0x90 0x11 0xFF 0x1F }
Resetting communication.
Read 0x2: No reply (0 bytes read)
{0xFD 0x2 0x0 0x0 0x34 0x7 0xFF 0x1F }
Resetting communication.
Read 0x2: No reply (0 bytes read)
{0xFD 0x2 0x0 0x0 0x34 0x7 0xFF 0x1F }
Resetting communication.
Writing 0x3: 0x2FD
Read 0x2: No reply (0 bytes read)
{0x1 0x0 0x0 0x0 0x90 0x11 0xFF 0x1F }
Resetting communication.
Read 0x2: No reply (0 bytes read)
{0xFD 0x2 0x0 0x0 0x34 0x7 0xFF 0x1F }
Resetting communication.
Read 0x2: No reply (0 bytes read)
{0xFD 0x2 0x0 0x0 0x34 0x7 0xFF 0x1F }
Resetting communication.
New address : 253

Writing 0x1: 0x5
Read 0x2: 0x2
Writing 0x1: 0x5
Read 0x2: 0x3
Writing 0xA: 0x80400
Read 0x2: 0x4
Writing 0xB: 0x28
Read 0x2: 0x5
Writing 0x10: 0x70E0C
Read 0x2: 0x6
Writing 0x70: 0xC409001E
Read 0x2: 0x7
Writing 0x70: 0xC40D001E
Read 0x2: 0x8
Writing 0x6C: 0x10045
Read 0x2: 0x9
Writing 0x20: 0x0
Read 0x2: 0xA
Writing 0x0: 0x4
Read 0x2: 0xB
Writing 0x23: 0x0
Read 0x2: 0xC
Writing 0x2B: 0x23
Read 0x2: 0xD
Writing 0x25: 0x0
Read 0x2: 0xE
Writing 0x20: 0x0
Read 0x2: 0xF
Writing 0x27: 0x4EA4A
Read 0x2: 0x10
Writing 0x26: 0xF45
Read 0x2: 0x11
Writing 0x28: 0xF45
Read 0x2: 0x12
Writing 0x24: 0xF45
Read 0x2: 0x13
Writing 0x2A: 0xF45
Read 0x2: 0x14
Writing 0x4: 0x0
Read 0x2: 0x15
Resetting communication.
Read 0x2: 0x0
Read 0x0: 0x9
Found TMC5130 @ address 
Writing 0x3: 0x2FC
Read 0x2: No reply (0 bytes read)
{0x1 0x0 0x0 0x0 0x90 0x11 0xFF 0x1F }
Resetting communication.
Read 0x2: No reply (0 bytes read)
{0xFC 0x2 0x0 0x0 0x34 0x7 0xFF 0x1F }
Resetting communication.
Read 0x2: No reply (0 bytes read)
{0xFC 0x2 0x0 0x0 0x34 0x7 0xFF 0x1F }
Resetting communication.
Writing 0x3: 0x2FC
Read 0x2: No reply (0 bytes read)
{0x1 0x0 0x0 0x0 0x90 0x11 0xFF 0x1F }
Resetting communication.
Read 0x2: No reply (0 bytes read)
{0xFC 0x2 0x0 0x0 0x34 0x7 0xFF 0x1F }
Resetting communication.
Read 0x2: No reply (0 bytes read)
{0xFC 0x2 0x0 0x0 0x34 0x7 0xFF 0x1F }
Resetting communication.
Writing 0x3: 0x2FC
Read 0x2: No reply (0 bytes read)
{0x1 0x0 0x0 0x0 0x90 0x11 0xFF 0x1F }
Resetting communication.
Read 0x2: No reply (0 bytes read)
{0xFC 0x2 0x0 0x0 0x34 0x7 0xFF 0x1F }
Resetting communication.
Read 0x2: No reply (0 bytes read)
{0xFC 0x2 0x0 0x0 0x34 0x7 0xFF 0x1F }
Resetting communication.
New address : 252

Writing 0x1: 0x5
Read 0x2: 0x2
Writing 0x1: 0x5
Read 0x2: 0x3
Writing 0xA: 0x80400
Read 0x2: 0x4
Writing 0xB: 0x28
Read 0x2: 0x5
Writing 0x10: 0x70E0C
Read 0x2: 0x6
Writing 0x70: 0xC409001E
Read 0x2: 0x7
Writing 0x70: 0xC40D001E
Read 0x2: 0x8
Writing 0x6C: 0x10045
Read 0x2: 0x9
Writing 0x20: 0x0
Read 0x2: 0xA
Writing 0x0: 0x4
Read 0x2: 0xB
Writing 0x23: 0x0
Read 0x2: 0xC
Writing 0x2B: 0x23
Read 0x2: 0xD
Writing 0x25: 0x0
Read 0x2: 0xE
Writing 0x20: 0x0
Read 0x2: 0xF
Writing 0x27: 0x4EA4A
Read 0x2: 0x10
Writing 0x26: 0xF45
Read 0x2: 0x11
Writing 0x28: 0xF45
Read 0x2: 0x12
Writing 0x24: 0xF45
Read 0x2: 0x13
Writing 0x2A: 0xF45
Read 0x2: 0x14
Writing 0x4: 0x0
Read 0x2: No reply (0 bytes read)
{0x1 0x0 0x0 0x0 0x90 0x11 0xFF 0x1F }
Resetting communication.
Read 0x2: 0x15
Resetting communication.
Starting up
Writing 0x2D: 0xC800
Read 0x2: No reply (0 bytes read)
{0x1 0x0 0x0 0x0 0x90 0x11 0xFF 0x1F }
Resetting communication.
Read 0x2: 0x16
Writing 0x2D: 0x7D000
Read 0x2: No reply (0 bytes read)
{0x1 0x0 0x0 0x0 0x90 0x11 0xFF 0x1F }
Resetting communication.
Read 0x2: 0x15
Writing 0x2D: 0x7D000
Read 0x2: No reply (0 bytes read)
{0x1 0x0 0x0 0x0 0x90 0x11 0xFF 0x1F }
Resetting communication.
Read 0x2: 0x15
Writing 0x2D: 0x7D000
Read 0x2: No reply (0 bytes read)
{0x1 0x0 0x0 0x0 0x90 0x11 0xFF 0x1F }
Resetting communication.
tommag commented 1 year ago

Great. You can try to lower further the baudrate for a more robust communication, or just get away with it.

Also if you want to change parameters regularly (like updating target positions frequently) you may want to switch to STREAMING_MODE instead of RELIABLE_MODE (does not check for 0x2 = the transmission counter after each write - suitable for cases where you update regularly every register).