tommybuonomo / dotsindicator

Three material Dots Indicators for view pagers in Android !
Apache License 2.0
3.41k stars 350 forks source link

No build variant found for ':app' #174

Open Axhillex opened 1 year ago

Axhillex commented 1 year ago

I am trying to implement the dots indicator in my project but I am constantly getting this error. Gradle -> 7.5 Kotlin -> 1.7.10 core-ktx -> 1.8.0 dotsIndicator -> 5.0 Project JVM -> 11 compile option -> JavaVersion.Version_1_8 jvmTarget -> 1.8 gas services -> 4.3.10 android application -> 7.3.1

Any help regarding this?? I don't have any variants for my app all I have is debug and release variants. Any was to workaround this or solve this? Much appreciated thanks.