tommyod / streprogen

The Python strength program generator.
GNU General Public License v3.0
38 stars 9 forks source link

[Appreciation and feature request] This is gold! #1

Closed extraymond closed 6 years ago

extraymond commented 6 years ago

Thanks for creating this wonderful package with nice documentation. Python and exercise science in the same page? This is automatically the most wonderful thing I've seen today.

It would be nice to have some features to make this more applicable for athletes or trainers. I hope it's not too rude to comment on such.

Repetition Maximum based output

It's very common for trainers to stick to their training goal while shift the loads depending on their physiques status. They might train under slightly lower weight with more repetitions to avoid the potential risk of injury while getting constant progress.

Repetition Maximum and it's equations

Another potential application is that trainers might train for different function goals. Whereas small volume high repetition for endurance and high volume low repetition for explosiveness and strength.

Instruction from different association

Training protocol based on adaptation phase shift.

It's known that individuals with little to no training experience will gain muscular strength from neuromuscular adaptation which would take approximately 8 weeks.

After this phase, one would have to increase muscular strength more directly from muscle growth.

A great read about strength-endurance-continuum

Thanks for how modular and accessible your code are constructed, I think it's highly possible to implement the above ideas into this tool.

Although I'm not a python expert, if there's anything I can help, I would love to volunteer.

p.s: English is not my native tongue so forgive me for being unclear if that happens.

tommyod commented 6 years ago

Thanks for the compliments.

I believe most of these features are accessible in streprogen currently, althought it might not be completely obvious to how use them.

In summary, most of the features you mention and available, although perhaps not obvious. If you wish to add equations from the Wikipedia page I would like to see that.