tomnewport / alchex

Phospholipid Biosynthetic Proteins Project
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Build combined topology files #15

Closed tomnewport closed 8 years ago

tomnewport commented 8 years ago

A topology file defines a number of molecules:

[ molecules ]
Protein 1
POPG 229
POPC 117
W 7601
NA+ 440
CL- 213

These are usually included in .itp files. Grompp can produce a preprocessed output using the -pp flag. I would like to propose the following steps:

  1. Collect: input.mdp,, input.gro, moltype_name
  2. Grompp inputs to produce a for the topology
  3. Create a blank combined.itp file with a moltype specification for moltype_name
  4. For each moltype in the molecules section of
    1. Find the moltype definition in
    2. Renumber all atoms in all tables
    3. Add all tables to tables in combined.itp
  5. Add combined.itp as an #include in


.itp files can contain a number of tables. The following are the only ones which will be considered:

Thanks to GromacsWrapper.

[ moleculetype ]

This creates a new subsection within the file and defines a new moltype. Fields are:

This defines atoms. Fields are:

ai aj ak funct c0 c1

[ dihedrals ]

ai aj ak al funct c0 c1 c2

[ pairs ]

ai aj funct c0 c1

Adding to a single moleculegroup

  1. Fetch uncommented parts of lines
    1. if ; is in the line:
      1. Take the bit of the line before the ;
    2. strip whitespace
    3. If line != "":
      1. split line on whitespace
      2. if that produces the expected number of parts
      3. resolve any atom references (a[ijkl])
    4. add greatest existing atom_id to all the atom ids
    5. add greatest existing cgnr to all the atom cgnrs

It would also be nice to be able to do a pass over the table to check the .gro and .itp match up.