tomnomnom / gf

A wrapper around grep, to help you grep for things
MIT License
1.77k stars 312 forks source link

Unable to install gf in kali #69

Open sedorf opened 2 years ago

sedorf commented 2 years ago

hello guys , hope someone here will help to resolve this issue : i use kali linux and i unable to install gf with :

then i try :

the issue

w4cky commented 2 years ago

hi, this is my ansible template to install gf, it works pefect.

- hosts: scanners
  become: yes

  - name: check go version
    command: go version
    register: result
    changed_when: no
    ignore_errors: true

  - name: go get gogs
    shell: go install

  - name: Update .bashrc
      dest: "{{ ansible_env.HOME }}/.bashrc"
      block: |
          source $GOPATH/src/       
      marker: '# {mark} GF MANAGED BLOCK - RECONMORE_GF_INSTALL'
      insertbefore: EOF
      create: yes 

  - name: Update .zshrc
      dest: "{{ ansible_env.HOME }}/.zshrc"
      block: |
          source $GOPATH/src/       
      marker: '# {mark} GF MANAGED BLOCK - RECONMORE_GF_INSTALL'
      insertbefore: EOF
      create: yes 
 # - name: GF
 #   shell: mkdir -p ~/.gf && cp -r /root/go/src/ ~/.gf

  - name: Clone GF-Patterns
      dest: /tmp/gf/

  - name: mkdir .gf
    shell: mkdir ~/.gf/

  - name: copy to dst
    shell: mv /tmp/gf/*.json ~/.gf