tomnomnom / meg

Fetch many paths for many hosts - without killing the hosts
MIT License
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If you are bored one day, make the output like FFF with 2 files: headers and body. #86

Open gprime31 opened 5 months ago

gprime31 commented 5 months ago

If you are bored one day, make the output like FFF with 2 files: headers and body. so much easier to parse that way.

gprime31 commented 5 months ago
func (r response) save(pathPrefix string, noHeaders bool) (string, error) {
    var headersContent, bodyContent []byte

    // Convert headers slice to a single byte slice
    if !noHeaders {
        for _, header := range r.headers {
            headersContent = append(headersContent, header...)
            headersContent = append(headersContent, '\n')

    // Body content is already in the correct format
    bodyContent = r.body

    // Generate checksum for uniqueness
    checksum := sha1.Sum(append(headersContent, bodyContent...))
    parts := []string{pathPrefix, r.request.Hostname(), fmt.Sprintf("%x", checksum)}
    basePath := path.Join(parts...)

    // Create directory if it doesn't exist
    if _, err := os.Stat(path.Dir(basePath)); os.IsNotExist(err) {
        if err := os.MkdirAll(path.Dir(basePath), 0750); err != nil {
            return basePath, err

    // Save headers to a separate file if they exist
    headersPath := basePath + ".headers"
    if !noHeaders {
        if err := ioutil.WriteFile(headersPath, headersContent, 0640); err != nil {
            return headersPath, err

    // Save body to its file
    bodyPath := basePath + ".body"
    if err := ioutil.WriteFile(bodyPath, bodyContent, 0640); err != nil {
        return bodyPath, err

    return basePath, nil

here is the fix for anyone else that wants it. Credit:

gprime31 commented 5 months ago

made a fork for those like me who can't code :P