tomnomnom / waybackurls

Fetch all the URLs that the Wayback Machine knows about for a domain
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multile go install error #13

Open nocomp opened 4 years ago

nocomp commented 4 years ago

hi folks, i desesperately try to install waybackurl onmy ubuntu, but don t understand what is wrong here are the error message, if you have any tips, thank you for sharing thx for your time

nocomp@RFB0x:~/tools$ export GOROOT=/usr/local/go nocomp@RFB0x:~/tools$ export GOPATH=$HOME/go nocomp@RFB0x:~/tools$ export PATH=$PATH:$GOROOT/bin nocomp@RFB0x:~/tools$ go get package bufio: unrecognized import path "bufio" (import path does not begin with hostname) package encoding/json: unrecognized import path "encoding/json" (import path does not begin with hostname) package flag: unrecognized import path "flag" (import path does not begin with hostname) package fmt: unrecognized import path "fmt" (import path does not begin with hostname) package io/ioutil: unrecognized import path "io/ioutil" (import path does not begin with hostname) package net/http: unrecognized import path "net/http" (import path does not begin with hostname) package net/url: unrecognized import path "net/url" (import path does not begin with hostname) package os: unrecognized import path "os" (import path does not begin with hostname) package strings: unrecognized import path "strings" (import path does not begin with hostname) package sync: unrecognized import path "sync" (import path does not begin with hostname) package time: unrecognized import path "time" (import path does not begin with hostname) nocomp@RFB0x:~/tools$