tomnomnom / waybackurls

Fetch all the URLs that the Wayback Machine knows about for a domain
3.41k stars 455 forks source link

Not downloading everything .. #23

Open GabberLevente opened 3 years ago

GabberLevente commented 3 years ago

About 2 weeks ago i have downloaded url list for website and got 40K links . Now when i have downloaded again Url List for the same Website i have got only 10K links .

Something have been changed ?

mzfr commented 3 years ago

@GabberLevente As you can see in this repo the last commit was on April 24, 2020. So I don't think anything changed with the tools maybe try to run the tool again and see how it works out.

If you've already figured out the problem then please close this issue :slightly_smiling_face:

Captain404 commented 2 years ago

Must be something on wayback website itself because the same happens with me...first run 40k links....second, third, fourth etc only 10k links