tomnomnom / waybackurls

Fetch all the URLs that the Wayback Machine knows about for a domain
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go get command not working #41

Open Dabi31 opened 2 years ago

Dabi31 commented 2 years ago

hi,got get not working so I'm changing the command togo install but also not working for me.

YSSVirus commented 2 years ago

Its not working for me either what its doing is downloading waybackpy instead. Very strange as I tried to search "waybackpy" anywhere in the files and it is never brought up except with the read me.

YSSVirus commented 2 years ago

For some reason you have to compile from source for some reason go install is installing waybackpy. You can build it buy running the following commands. 1.) git clone 2.) cd waybackurls 3.) go build main.go 4.) ./main -h