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SSL connections fail using binary OSX package on CRAN #88

Open peterfoley opened 7 years ago

peterfoley commented 7 years ago

Using the binary OSX package on CRAN, connections fail to a Redshift server that requires SSL, but when the package is installed from source, the connections succeed.

When I attempt to require SSL with binary version, I get this error message, which points to SSL support missing in the CRAN binary compilation:

> library(DBI); library(RPostgreSQL); con <- dbConnect(dbDriver('PostgreSQL'), dbname="dbname=<dbname> sslmode=require", host="<host>", user="<user>, password="<password>", port=5439)
Warning message:
package ‘RPostgreSQL’ was built under R version 3.4.1 
Error in postgresqlNewConnection(drv, ...) : 
  RS-DBI driver: (could not connect<user>@<host>:5439 on dbname "<dbname>": sslmode value "require" invalid when SSL support is not compiled in
tomoakin commented 7 years ago

As explained in, OpenSSL is depricated as a public API in macOS. So, current source, not including the SSL library code, will not be capable of SSL connection in stardard macOS environment. If you compile in a environment where libssl and libpq was made SSL activated form, then the driver can use SSL. The route needed to handle is relatively clear but not necessarily easy. We need to include a SSL library, after choosing which one to include.

tomoakin commented 7 years ago

With current license situation, it appears impossible to include the library code due to incompatibility of GPL and OpenSSL license.

OpenSSL is currently working to update the license to Apache License v. 2.0

However, still this is likely incompatible with GPL-2, the currently specified license.

Thus, license change is necessary before redistributing libssl linked versions.

chrisvoorpostel commented 6 years ago

Can you provide more details on the workaround you describe above? See here:

chrisvoorpostel commented 6 years ago

After looking at this a bit more, it looks as though the issue (on Windows) is that the installer does not recognize an existing installation of libpq. My installed version has --with-openssl enabled, but source is compiled using the bundled libpq instead. When I install from source, I see the following line in the R console:

(cd libpq; make -f
make[1]: Entering directory `/cygdrive/c/Users/xxxxxxxxx/AppData/Local/Temp/RtmpO6lkcB/R.INSTALL85028c8122b/RPostgreSQL/src-i386/libpq'
cp pg_config.h

I think on windows this line in configure is not working:

if test "${PG_CONFIG}" != ""; then

    # Use pg_config for header and linker arguments
    PG_INCDIR=`${PG_CONFIG} --includedir`
    PG_LIBDIR=`${PG_CONFIG} --libdir`

Am I on the right track? Is there any way to use an existing libpq install in Windows?

tomoakin commented 6 years ago

On windows, the configure is not used at all and is used, which is blank. Thus, currently on windows platform, presence of libpq installation is not sought at all, and the attached libpq is used. I am not sure if there is any way to link against external libpq, but if it is possible, writing could be done to check if there is a linkable libpq.

writetoritu commented 6 years ago

@peterfoley Did you find a solution to this issue? We are running into the same error (on OS X El Capitan).

bvvamsik commented 6 years ago

@tomoakin Can you please post a solution where we can compile or reinstall everything so that the connection works. (on how to make SSL to work on my Mac OS X El Capitan)

tomoakin commented 6 years ago

The direction is first prepare PostgreSQL that can connect through SSL (Perhaps, there are many ways to accomplish this and I do not have specific recommendation.). Then, compile the RPostgreSQL package from source using the libpq (and include files) that is used by the working PostgreSQL.

sheyd commented 6 years ago

Cross-posting solution I was able to find for macOS El Capitan users here:

I was able to solve this for the El Capitan macOS R users in my office, by doing the following:

DISCLAIMER: If you have heavy compile dependencies on OpenSSL or libpq for other programs, I have no idea how doing the above may break other programs.

lusava commented 6 years ago

Hello @tomoakin, I'm trying to setup SSL connections in Windows, what do you mean by "prepare PostgreSQL that can connect through SSL" ?

esilverberg commented 6 years ago

sheyd's steps did not work for us on OSX High Sierra.

Instead, we did the following:

sheyd commented 6 years ago

@esilverberg Thanks for the update, you are correct that the postgresql brew package was required. It was already pre-installed on the laptops I used the original solution on, and missed it as a dependency. Updated original post, thank you for putting the additional info here!