tomodachi94 / awesome-computercraft

Useful libraries, programs, literature, and mods for ComputerCraft and its forks.
Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike 4.0 International
114 stars 11 forks source link

Tracking issue: down #32

Open tomodachi94 opened 3 weeks ago

tomodachi94 commented 3 weeks ago

Hey all. Yes it's me. My old webhost gave me a few days notice that the server was going down, so that's why there's a placeholder page there. Before the server went down I managed to take a complete backup of the files and SQL databases for both the forums and the wiki. When I have the time, I may put up a read-only copy of the old wiki, but my general plan is to put up a pretty simple page which just explains what ComputerCraft is and was, and how to download the last official versions. But generally it will exist to redirect people to CC:Tweaked and it's wikis/community, as that's where CC lives on now for most people 🙂


Running list of commits that should get reverted in the event the forums come back:

tomodachi94 commented 3 weeks ago

Currently, a consequence of this is that there are no known mirrors of the following links: