tomography / XRFtomo

a repository for xray fluorescence data processing
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thetaOptions in #24

Open decarlof opened 5 years ago

decarlof commented 5 years ago

Do we need to hardcode

self.thetaOptions = ['2xfm:m53.VAL', '2xfm:m36.VAL','2xfm:m58.VAL', '9idbTAU:SM:ST:ActPos']


These are already set as choices in the theta-pv field of

sichendart commented 5 years ago

We can remove '9idbTAU:SM:ST:ActPos'. The first 3 are suggestions when one reads 2IDE old data, because the theta pv cannot be easily identified from those files.

decarlof commented 5 years ago

I think this set of options can be dynamically loaded when starting the program. At start up the can set the default to the last value used but also populate the available options.

sichendart commented 5 years ago

Sure. This sounds good to me.