tomography / XRFtomo

a repository for xray fluorescence data processing
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starting xfluo as command #42

Open decarlof opened 4 years ago

decarlof commented 4 years ago

@FabricioSMarin after the main repo is update add in the scripts=['bin/xfluo'] as this:

setup( scripts=['bin/xfluo'], )

this should make xfluo start as command from any forlder

decarlof commented 4 years ago

another issue is that it seems that when running an update with

python install

the bin/xfluo in the conda directory is not updated all the time (perhaps the bin content only update when there is a version bump?) any way what worked for me was:

pip uninstall xfluo python install

FabricioSMarin commented 4 years ago

revisiting the issue, when you install the software, are you doing it using the conda installation method or by entering python install?

I am having this same issue when running conda install -c fabriciosm xfluo. Even thought the contents that are downloaded are the most up to date, the version that launches is an older version. Pip uninstall xfluo does not seem to work for me however.