tomography / XRFtomo

a repository for xray fluorescence data processing
3 stars 6 forks source link

name of the repository #51

Closed sichendart closed 4 years ago

sichendart commented 4 years ago

@decarlof, please change it to XRFtomo. Please also update the command to start software etc. to be consistent.

decarlof commented 4 years ago

I addressed this in #53. This t is quite disruptive to the existing forks (after it is accepted you will not be able to merge your fork automatically). I suggest to review/accept #53 as soon as possible, or at least before changes are made in your forks. Once accepted you should delete your fork and create a new one, before continuing working on the code. Please let me know if there is any issue

sichendart commented 4 years ago

I deleted my old fork, and created a new one from tomography/XRFtomo. Seems working fine now. I changed the main window title to XRFtomo too. @decarlof shall we also change the commands, for example, "xfluo gui" to "XRFtomo gui" in order to be consistent?

decarlof commented 4 years ago

@sichendart your fork is not from the new version (renamed protect name) until @FabricioSMarin reviews and accepts the pull request at #53. The new version renames xfluo into XRFtomo everywhere (including the main window title). Once accepted please delete and make a new fork.

FabricioSMarin commented 4 years ago

How do I accept pull request #53 ?

decarlof commented 4 years ago

you should have received a while ago an invitation to be a collaborator and more recently a request to review the pull request. You should also be able to directly merge the pull request after review. I will be re-sending the invitation right now

FabricioSMarin commented 4 years ago

Thank you. In order to delete my fork. Is this done under options>'delete this repository'?
Screenshot from 2020-02-10 10-49-37

decarlof commented 4 years ago

that is correct. You are in sync except the xfluo to xrftomo name change, so it is save to delete and refork