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Using the residual analysis plots on live data. #196

Open DavidKelleySCSC opened 7 years ago

DavidKelleySCSC commented 7 years ago

This is more of a user question that a bug/issue. I have a site I need to do some real time analysis on the navigation residuals that I am seeing. And I am not sure how to get the residual information plotting on live data with RTKNAVI. Am able to use it on prior file data with RTKPOST.

When I gather data from this site and a nearby one and run RTKPOST (ver.2.4.2) on it (and set the output options tab "Output Solution" control to make residuals, them see the extra menu item "Residuals" added below "NSat" on the RTKPLOT tool and all is well [I see the code and carrier residual data I am seeking, all as zero mean data] When I move the filter type to be "Fixed" keep the the base station position setting to be "the average of a single position", and repeat the run, I then also see the code residual data, each with suitable offsets for the data. But I have lost the carrier data plots. The navigation solution is a single (5) as I would expect. I also see the xxx.pos.stat file that has the raw NMEA sentences with the residuals in it. All of these seems to work fine.

But when using RTKNAVI (regardless of the various modes) I can not seem to get any residuals in the RTKPLOT too. Nor do I find a xxx.pos.stat file anywhere. I can muck about with the output streams a bit and get a NEMA file created, or sent as a file or sent of to one o our casters. But for the life of me I can not seem to get a nice simple data flow over to RTKPLOT with live data. Even a fresh install (no prior ini files present) fails to overcome this.

First, is using the residual data stream in RTKPLOT with live data from RTKNAVI in fact a supported combination? Second (presuming a yes), how does the data from RTKNAVI reach RTKPLOT to be displayed? Does not seem to be part of the navigation flow used by RTKPLOT on the TCP port.
Many Thanks, DC Kelley

DavidKelleySCSC commented 7 years ago

Bump, help please.

coandrei commented 7 years ago

@DavidKelleySCSC We produce solution status and debug trace files when using the command line app rtkrcv as below (see pg. 90 from the manual): rtkrcv -s -o single.conf -r 2 -t 3

which returns three files:

  1. rtkrcv_201608031828.stat (from -r 2 options)
  2. rtkrcv_201608031828.trace (from -t 3 options)
  3. sol1_201608031829.pos (from conf file)

Does it bring some light?