Closed Fr0sT-Brutal closed 7 years ago
Thanks. It will be fixed in next 2.4.3 beta.
The fix which should fix this issue (1cec90a9ffa424908ad1a4ca3d52f33f9b94d1f7 / 2.4.3 b24) in rtcm3.c and rtcm3e.c destroys the ephemeris message rtcm3/1045. No more ephermeris data for GALILEO is visible in RTKNAVI. Reverting rtcm3e.c and rtcm3.c to the previous version enables ephermeris data again.
Tested with UBLOX M8T (ubx) -> strsvr (RTCM3) -> RTKNAVI
Thanks. It is fixed in 2.4.3 b27.
version: rtklib_2.4.2 HI: I'm test RtkNavi use the rtksample data, LINK, my question is the time one top-left of RtkNavi, show as the image i posted, why it show the year is [2028], and i use the data debug into int linux with eclipse CDT (2021-12), and found the time is processed in novatel.c, when the file is readed, the function is decode_oem4.
I tried to comment the function invoke of adjgpsweek, at line 1170, the time is right parsed to 20090515, same as the file name shows.
i'm confused for this problerm, can you give me some suggestions?
version: RTKLIB-2.4.3-b34 I tried the newer version, but it not work when i used the sample data,
the difference is , input options not support OEM6 any more, is this the reason?
need your help! THANKS
Seems to me like a bug. rtcm3.c, function
, lineeph.week=adjgpsweek(week%1024);
But Galileo week occupies 12 bits and so rolls-over after 4096. Currently it works because GPS weeks are forced to be greater than 1560 so they're less than their roll-over interval as well as Galileo's. But in the next year GPS weeks will roll-over and Galileo won't.