tomojitakasu / RTKLIB

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How to send NMEA $GPGGA sentence to Ntrip caster to get virtual reference station RTCM frames when using STR2STR #250

Closed thoyo closed 8 years ago

thoyo commented 8 years ago

So far I am using RTKRCV to process my rover's data with respect to a virtual reference station with RTK and this works like a charm. To do so, I set the following parameters on the config file:

inpstr2-nmeareq   =latlon       # (0:off,1:latlon,2:single)
inpstr2-nmealat    =41.5          # (deg)
inpstr2-nmealon   =1.0            # (deg)

If I don't want to do RTK and only get the data from the caster, can I use STR2STR? How can I do it to send the lat/lon positions to the caster ($GPGGA sentence) while using STR2STR?

thoyo commented 8 years ago

If someone else is interested, I found it:

./str2str.e -in ntripcli:// -p 41.5 1.0 0.0 -n 1 -out file.rtcm3

The flags -p (position) and -n (request cycle) do the trick.