So far I am using RTKRCV to process my rover's data with respect to a virtual reference station with RTK and this works like a charm. To do so, I set the following parameters on the config file:
If I don't want to do RTK and only get the data from the caster, can I use STR2STR? How can I do it to send the lat/lon positions to the caster ($GPGGA sentence) while using STR2STR?
So far I am using RTKRCV to process my rover's data with respect to a virtual reference station with RTK and this works like a charm. To do so, I set the following parameters on the config file:
If I don't want to do RTK and only get the data from the caster, can I use STR2STR? How can I do it to send the lat/lon positions to the caster ($GPGGA sentence) while using STR2STR?