tomojitakasu / RTKLIB

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Ublox Neo-6M or 8M #345

Open kutluaydeniz opened 6 years ago

kutluaydeniz commented 6 years ago

Hi everyone, I have 2 gps that are written in the title. Can I use rtknavi with these and to get cm level gps signal? I tried to employ 6M for single mod, the indicator was green but there was no signal details in rtknavi window.

tomojitakasu commented 6 years ago

RTKLIB only supports u-blox modules with "raw data", which include LEA-4T, LEA-5T, NEO/LEA-6T, NEO-6P, NEO-7P, LEA/NEO-M8T, NEO-M8P. With some F/W versions and special procedures, you could use other modules with RTKLIB in your own risk. For details, see: