tomojitakasu / RTKLIB

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STRSVR - RTK corrections from NTRIP to Serial (Novatel) #420

Open snehagn opened 6 years ago

snehagn commented 6 years ago


Has anyone successfully sent RTK data (RTCM3) on strsvr from a NTRIP Client to Serial for a Novatel receiver? I can see the RTK data being received and sent on strsvr (green and increasing bytes), but inside Novatel, I do not see the data being read. I would like to understand the configuration on both sides.

Any help is appreciated.

Thanks, Sneha

Pedrous commented 6 years ago

Hi snehagn,

Did you solve this problem? I am facing the same problem.

snehagn commented 6 years ago

Hi @Pedrous - I decided to use the BKG Ntrip Client on Linux. That worked well for me for a single base station. I should probably leave this thread open in case anyone can solve it. Thanks!

Pedrous commented 6 years ago


I am using a Novatel SPAN-IGM-S1 and I can confirm that I was able to forward the RTK corrections from an ntrip caster through USB serial port to the Novatel device. I used RTKlib str2str commandline tool and my command was:

str2str -in ntrip://xxxx:xxxx@ -out serial://ttyUSB4:115200:8:n:1

The username and password are hidden with xxxx.

Some observations:

This solution is for using only one base, next I would need to use a caster for several bases to choose the correct one and I don't know how RTKlib can send the corrections to the caster to select the closest base station. If someone knows how, that information would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!