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question: strs2str conversion from ublox to RTCM3, MSM messages (1075 etc.) #434

Open ccmsi opened 6 years ago

ccmsi commented 6 years ago

Greetings. I'm probably misunderstanding sth, any help appreciated. I inted to transport raw data from a ublox receiver using RTCM3 format. My understanding is that i can use MSM (1071-1077 et al) for this. So i'm trying to use the following converter:

MSGS="1075(1),1085(1),1095(1),1105(1)" /usr/bin/str2str -in tcpsvr://localhost:3121#ubx -out tcpsvr://:3131 -out tcpsvr://:3132#rtcm3 -msg "${MSGS}" -t 1

Connecting with a rtknavi client to port 3131 using ubx format i see about 15 sattellites give or take. Connecting to 3132 using RTCM3 format i see about 5, would have expected to see the same number as on 3131 though.

Any help to understand appreciated.

alicrop commented 5 years ago

I have the same problem, cannot transmit raw data over the link as it's huge, converting from raw ubx->rtcm3 results in the same issue.

jiargei commented 1 year ago

It seems that str2str is only capable of converting ubx to RTCM 3.1, Message Type 1004. You're looking for the new signals called MSM1-MSM7. The low number of satellites resulting from that conversion. RTCM only holds GPS satellites. It would be nice if str2str could convert to at least MSM4 (1074, 1084, 1094, 1104)