tomojitakasu / RTKLIB

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It drops entire constellations intermittently if they have a higher rtcm interval #460

Open epigramx opened 5 years ago

epigramx commented 5 years ago

I might be missing a setting here, but If I convert ublox data to rtcm3 observations (with strsvr) with say, 1 second interval for a constellation, and 2 second interval for the rest, rtknavi ignores the higher interval constellations entirely intermittently (e.g. for 1 second every 2 seconds). If all constellation observations are at the same interval of seconds (even if it's high), there's no such issue.

PS. I thought at first this was a fork's issue so you might find a similar report there if you look at my profile.

epigramx commented 5 years ago

After further investigation, I suspect I may need the interpolation option. In any case though this option appears to not be supported by the GUI app at all (even when a conf is directly loaded to it and then re-saved) so there's that being inconsistent.