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RTKNAVI - no solution when using GNSS-SDRLIB #663

Open leodomitrovic opened 2 years ago

leodomitrovic commented 2 years ago


I am trying to use GNSS-SDRLIB as GNSS transmitter and RTKNAVI as GNSS receiver. Data from GNSS-SDRLIB are sent to TCP Server and I am trying to read it with RTKNAVI. RTKNAVI connects to TCP Server and SNR is being displayed but nothing else, solution has status "----" and X, Y and Z values are 0. RTKPLOT is empty and every other graph in RTKNAVI is empty, satellite positions, etc. Error that RTKNAVI displays is that there is lack of valid sats. Can someone help me? Thanks in advance!

Best regards,


vazhnov commented 2 years ago

Try to enable debugging in your tools:

DavidKelleySCSC commented 2 years ago

In order use a satellite (have it be 'valid') you need both observables and orbital data (ephemerides) for the same period of time. Where are you getting the orbital data from? Is the 3rd input on RTKLIB RTKNAVI getting this for you (often from a source called RTCM3EPH). It probably should be unless one of your other data sources is providing current orbits.

leodomitrovic commented 2 years ago


in RTKNAVI I used only first source which connects to GNSS-SDRLIB TCP Server and GNSS-SDRLIB as input uses one of the data files from following link: