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Question about '$TRPG' in STAT file #670

Closed jstzzym2020 closed 2 years ago

jstzzym2020 commented 2 years ago

Hello! In RTKLIB2.4.3,I estimated ZTD and corresponding gradients.I check the STAT file to find out tropospheric correction related solution. The '$TRPG' outcome is as below:$TRPG,2112,259200.000,6,1,-0.00001,0.00000,0.01000,0.01000. I didn't find out the meaning of last four parameters in Manual2.4.2 Appendix B3. In my opinion,the corresponding meanings are 1)estimated northern gradient 2)estimated southern gradient 3)STD of northern gradient 4)STD of southern gradient. Can anyone tell me the exact meanings of those four parameters?

Best regards

jstzzym2020 commented 2 years ago

Question solved. pppoutstat function has shown explicitly the meaning of PPP output parameters. My guess is correct.