tomoki1207 / vscode-pdfviewer

Show PDF preview in VSCode.
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Extension simply not working #31

Closed Raigiku closed 5 years ago

Raigiku commented 5 years ago

The extension simply doesn't work VSCode version: 1.28.2 OS: Windows 10 64-bits 2018-11-10_18-24-29

weixu000 commented 5 years ago

I have the same problem. Is there any help? Thanks.

jypjypjypjyp commented 5 years ago

I use win10 18277, and my Edge pdf viewer is broken too. I think the problem is caused by Edge.

mac40 commented 5 years ago

I use win10 18277, and my Edge pdf viewer is broken too. I think the problem is caused by Edge.

I am experiencing the same issue but my Edge pdf viewer works fine so i think it is too early to say whether the two are correlated or not

tomoki1207 commented 5 years ago

Sorry guys, we had a bug about local resource path for windows. The plugin was updated to 0.4.1, could you try it again?

mac40 commented 5 years ago

now it stop at this step screenshot_2

rodmoncada commented 5 years ago

This bug is also affecting Linux :(

Axinex commented 5 years ago

Using vsCode v. 1.29.0 now results in any PDFs opening to a black screen. 2018-11-14_15-55-21

tomoki1207 commented 5 years ago

Hmm... :( @mac40 @Axinex We switched to new VSCode API for extensions, so it might be left something bad like cache. According to #30, plugin turned to fine after uninstall and re-install this. Could you try it?

tomoki1207 commented 5 years ago

@rodmoncada Please tell me your environment. (OS, VSCode version, Plugin version and so on...)

rodmoncada commented 5 years ago

@tomoki1207 OS: Linux 4.15.0-38-generic #41-Ubuntu x86_64 GNU/Linux VSCode: 1.29.0 arch:x64 Plugin version 0.4.1 Exact same behavior as @Axinex

Thank you for all your help and time :+1:

Axinex commented 5 years ago

Hmm... :( @mac40 @Axinex We switched to new VSCode API for extensions, so it might be left something bad like cache. According to #30, plugin turned to fine after uninstall and re-install this. Could you try it?

Upon uninstalling and reinstalling the extension, the same behavior persists.

Raigiku commented 5 years ago

@tomoki1207 I reinstalled and this is what shows up image Then when I alt-tabbed back to chrome to upload that image and came back to VSCode, the previous text changed to this: image

tomoki1207 commented 5 years ago

@rodmoncada @Axinex This behavior (the blank page is shown after PDF viewer was shown in a moment) might be caused by the size of pdf file is too large. Could you try it with lighter one?(like

I think these files were opened well until update, the new VSCode api seems to has implicit size limit. I'll continue investigation to avoid it.

Axinex commented 5 years ago

@rodmoncada @Axinex This behavior (the blank page is shown after PDF viewer was shown in a moment) might be caused by the size of pdf file is too large. Could you try it with lighter one?(like

I think these files were opened well until update, the new VSCode api seems to has implicit size limit. I'll continue investigation to avoid it.

The file you linked does appear to open correctly, but I am concerned that should the file size limit be the root cause, then this file size limit is very low, as the file I am able to replicate my issue with is only 51KB in size. I have linked the problematic file below. palette.pdf

tomoki1207 commented 5 years ago

@Axinex Thank you reporting. As you said, palette.pdf is broken in my mac too. And the pdf file that is shown well is larger than it. It seems that problem not caused by size but caused by pdf format or else. 🤔

johnking commented 5 years ago

I could not open any *.pdf file after installing this extension, I am using Mac-pro

vs-code version is shown inside the screen-shot as well.

screen shot 2018-12-17 at 15 02 15

tomoki1207 commented 5 years ago

@johnking Did you mean "after updating this extension"? We had a bug in open pdf, so fixed it and extension is updated just now. Please try re-open a pdf file. If "Do you want to open it anyway?" shown like your screenshot, click this link.

johnking commented 5 years ago

It works! thanks so much @tomoki1207

forivall commented 5 years ago

I just barely installed the extension and I get the same problem as reported by @Raigiku in

Name: vscode-pdf Id: tomoki1207.pdf Description: Display pdf file in VSCode. Version: 0.4.3 Publisher: tomoki1207 VS Marketplace Link:

Platform: OSX

screen shot 2019-01-14 at 2 29 49 pm

screen shot 2019-01-14 at 2 31 26 pm

I tried opening PDFs I generated using PDFKit, so filesize should not be an issue.

d1ceward commented 5 years ago

Same behavior, black screen (persit even after uninstall/reinstall) screenshot from 2019-02-19 17-26-08 vscode ver: 1.31.1 vscode-pdf ver: 0.4.3 os: Arch Linux

Edit: Confirm, downgrade to 0.3.0 work like a charm

PharaohJoe commented 5 years ago

Also getting a black screen. I reverted to version 0.3.0 and it works. Seems that any version past 0.3.0 doesn't work

Skeiceee commented 5 years ago

Also getting a black screen. I reverted to version 0.3.0 and it works. Seems that any version past 0.3.0 doesn't work

0.3.0 Working, Only working 0.3.0

tomoki1207 commented 5 years ago

@all Sorry a lot to keep you waiting. It was updating for recovery to work just now. Please try it. We'll continue to welcome to your report. Thank you.

Skeiceee commented 5 years ago

@ALL Sorry a lot to keep you waiting. It was updating for recovery to work just now. Please try it. We'll continue to welcome to your report. Thank you.

Work, nice.

tomoki1207 commented 5 years ago

Closing as fixed it. If you still have problems, please create another issue.