tomolimo / processmaker

GLPI plugin that provides an interface with ProcessMaker (
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[Tutorial 1] No view dynaform #39

Closed juveboss closed 6 years ago

juveboss commented 6 years ago


thanks tomolino for the plugin 👍

I have a problem after following the Tutorial 1, i don't see dynaform...

I use processmaker-server (tomolino)..

bug2 bug1 bug4 bug3


tomolimo commented 6 years ago

Hello Could you check if any errors are present in the log files? Thank you Tomolimo

juveboss commented 6 years ago


In Processmaker i don't have a error...

bug6 bug5
tomolimo commented 6 years ago

Thank you,

But to get PHP logs, you must look into the log files here: _glpi_directoryinstallation/files/_log/.... for GLPI error logs. In this folder, you should find several log files, like php-errors.log and sql-errors.log. image

And in the default PHP error log file for ProcessMaker server (to find it, look into the php info page like shown here, and search in the page for the keyword error_log) image

For information: the cron for ProcessMaker server is not running, so you should not have any error in it.

regards, Tomolimo

tomolimo commented 6 years ago

Thank you, Could you try to paste the complete SQL error logs, I can see strange $ at end of lines. And then could you empty these files, and try to view the dynaform from ProcessMaker server (to see this infinite loop)? regards, Tomolimo

tomolimo commented 6 years ago

Hello, I can see several things:

  1. you have a problem with the formcreator plugin, you may disable it and do some new tests
  2. I have a problem with the title of the process, it seems like the plugin doesn't support the quote in the middle of the process title, you may try without quote like "Demande achat LAFI" instead of "Demande d'achat LAFI". I'm going to check this point. The quote should be escaped!

You may test these after the installation of the right PM server :smiley:

Thank you, Regards, Tomolimo

juveboss commented 6 years ago

I just deactivate formcreator and change the ' The installation was already done last night ... re 1.7

tomolimo commented 6 years ago

and then, did you redo the tests?

juveboss commented 6 years ago

Yes... always the same

tomolimo commented 6 years ago

and in the logs?

juveboss commented 6 years ago

the logs that I sent you today date ...

You think I have to delete everything and start over?

I am in version 3.2.0 of the plugin

tomolimo commented 6 years ago

Which version of GLPI?

juveboss commented 6 years ago


tomolimo commented 6 years ago

ok, thank you, I understand, I made a fix for this trouble of the quote in process title and in task titles, but I've not generated a new release. see #32 Could you try to get the files from the master branch and do a new test?

regards, Tomolimo

juveboss commented 6 years ago

I deleted the plugin of glpi by doing "clean" and "delete the folder" but now impossible to reinstall it, blank page plugin folder


In _log/php.errors.log From Plugin :: getInfo () in /var/www/html/glpi/inc/plugin.class.php line 1373    plugin_version_del_processmaker method must be defined!

tomolimo commented 6 years ago

To completely clean the plugin, you must drop all glpi_plugin_processmaker_xxxx tables, and in then you may clean the plugin from the plugin page. But your error seems to arise because processmaker plugin folder has been renamed to _delprocessmaker? Any folder in the plugin folder is understood by GLPI as a valid plugin. Could you check this in the plugin folder?

juveboss commented 6 years ago

Always the same thing, however, I see the case map, the task history ...

I think it's not related to glpi because it still turns into a vacuum on processmaker. when viewing the dynaform ..

tomolimo commented 6 years ago

And in the log files?

tomolimo commented 6 years ago

Anyway, I'm trying to help you to use PM server too :smile:

tomolimo commented 6 years ago

Could you send to me a zipped file of the exported PM process?

juveboss commented 6 years ago

thanks a lot for your help....

tomolimo commented 6 years ago

got it, you may delete the link if you want

tomolimo commented 6 years ago

When you said:

when viewing the dynaform ..

Do you mean that in PM server, you've started a case, and that you are trying to execute the first task?

Or do you mean that you are editing the process, and that you are trying to edit the "1.Fiche de dotation" dynaform?

tomolimo commented 6 years ago

Other questions:

  1. which browser are you using?
  2. what is your web server? Apache, IIS, Ngnix,. ..?
  3. what is your server configuration? Windows, else? Version? And anything that can help?
juveboss commented 6 years ago

When I add the processmaker to a glpi ticket, I do not see the form ... and I try to perform the first step ...

Will you get there with my file?

Chrome 63.... Apache 2.4.6 PHP Version 5.6.32 Server => centos 7

tomolimo commented 6 years ago

Question about the process itself:

  1. in group "Employé", do you have some users? or is it empty? (mine is empty, but it's can be normal, as I don't have your user list).
  2. A gateway is missing after the "Validation" task a gateway is always mandatory when there is a choice that must be done in the routing.
tomolimo commented 6 years ago

Another thing is: You cannot have a task not linked to anything. The task "Nouvel Arrivant" is clearly a problem... If you want to add text, then use the text tool image

juveboss commented 6 years ago

In the group used, there are all my glpi users. I imported them with the cron in glpi "pmuser". Okay, I'm deleting this task. On the other hand on your side you have the continuous loading during the visualization of the dynaform "File of endowment" by displaying the preview ... if not I have a problem in processmaker ...

tomolimo commented 6 years ago

I've also deleted the task, and also added a gateway at the end of 'Validation' task like: image In processmaker: here is the pre-visualization in Chrome 63 of the "1.Fiche de dotation" dynaform: image

and in a ticket in GLPI 9.2.1 with PM plugin 3.2.0 in IE11: image

Could you in Chrome, start the developer tools (F12), and check the network when you try to pre-visualize the dynaform? I think something is not correctly set with Apache (or PM server) which may prevent you from pre-viewing the dynaform.

I've to go now, see you tomorow

tomolimo commented 6 years ago

Hello, Any news this morning? Regards, Tomolimo

juveboss commented 6 years ago

Hello Tomolino,

I advance a little on my problem, I left zero.

From now on, I see my dynaform in processmaker "visualization". I added permissions on my processmaker and I can see the list of dynaform but still not possible to view on GLPI. The first task, I see nothing and on the second I am sent on processmaker for the validation of my workflow and not in glpi.

Here is my workflow if you can test it on your side ...

1 : I do not see the dynaform, not possible write.


2 :


3 : I am redirected to processmaker


I can validate but in processmaker

tomolimo commented 6 years ago

Hello, There are two issues in your description:

  1. issue of redirection: it's easy: you have to name the submit button correctly: see: -> note 6.
  2. issue of dynaform visualization: it's harder to tell, but a clue could be the configuration of the skins in Processmaker server: Could check this? See:

Otherwise we may use the 'Developer tools' in Chrome to troubleshoot this issue. Tell me about the skins, and after that I'll explain you about the 'Developer tools'

regards, Tomolimo

juveboss commented 6 years ago
  1. I put the redirector but always the same ...     => I made a syncronization in glpi.     => Can you send me a workflow that works to see if I have not done other fault?

  2. Attached, for me no problem ...

tomolimo commented 6 years ago

For the 1. you may clear the cache in ProcessMaker, see:, and clear the browser cache.

for the 2. you may use the tutorials:

I'll provide you with your process, let me some minutes :smiley:

tomolimo commented 6 years ago

Here is you process 'Remplacement materiel non standard' which runs in PM server and in GLPI: Remplacement_materiel_non_standard-1 (1).zip

and an example in GLPI (in IE11, but also tested in Chrome):


Of course I've change the people inside the group 'Employé' to be able to execute the case.

regards, Tomolimo

juveboss commented 6 years ago

Cache => Deleted I import your process, I always have the same ...

Instead of putting a User Group I tried to put "My GLPI User" on each dynaform. I am always redirected to the processmaker ... and I do not see the first dynaform ...

Here are all the options I configured for this process ... I must miss something, but I do not see what ... --'

bug10 bug11 bug12 bug13 bug14 bug15 bug16

In the last image, I can not click on preview either ... But I see all the other tabs "historical case, historical evolution, case map"

tomolimo commented 6 years ago

Ok, then let's try the 'Developer tools' in Chrome.

  1. load in Chrome the page of the ticket
  2. press F12 (or CTRL + SHIFT +I) it will open a new Chrome page (= the so-called 'Developer tools')
  3. click on the 'Network' tab, then check the 'Disable cache' and the 'Preserve log' options. image
  4. press F5 to reload ticket page, then you should get a list of loaded files like following: image See the column 'Size' where from times to times it's written '(from memory cac...)' or '(from disk cache)': it means that Chrome didn't load the file from the server but from its cache. to prevent this really check the 'Disable cache' option like shown above.
  5. see the 'Status' column: it shows if the page has been correctly loaded (code 200) or if something else occurred. check if you can see something like error code in the range 400-499.
  6. search in the list the loaded file with name cases.js?_=anumber and check that this file is loaded or not.

You may clear the list if needed to restart the page load: image

Thank you, regards, Tomolimo

juveboss commented 6 years ago

By staying on the ticket page: No mistake other than 200 ... No file with name case.js?

If I choose my process and I valid Error 302 and I see several case.js ...


I have 3 error ... in the tool I do not know if it can help ..

tomolimo commented 6 years ago
  1. the file is not case.js, but as I wrote cases.js?_=anumber which is in the list :smiley:
  2. But what is strange is that there are several cases_Open?sid=xxxxx, as if it was trying to open several tasks at the same time.
juveboss commented 6 years ago

I just redo being on this page ... I still have the 3 errors as above

bug27 bug25
tomolimo commented 6 years ago

And in the source tab: image

at bottom of this window, you may have a list of error messages. image

tomolimo commented 6 years ago

Please check also the PHP error logs of GLPI and PM server.

juveboss commented 6 years ago

I don't see a list of error messages.

but error in php & sql... :( php-errors.log sql-errors.log

juveboss commented 6 years ago

I spent my evening trying ...

Strict SQL mode is not fully enabled, value recommended for development: STRICT_TRANS_TABLES, ERROR_FOR_DIVISION_BY_ZERO, NO_ZERO_DATE, NO_ZERO_IN_DATE, ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY, NO_AUTO_CREATE_USER

=> I followed the tutorial 1, always the same. But I noticed that like the other workflows I create if I do not put anything in the permissions on my workflow, I do not see the task.


Thank you in all cases for your bravery ...

tomolimo commented 6 years ago

Hello, Sorry for the troubles. I propose you to do a jitsi conference call with me when you would like to. Regards Tomolimo

mickaelccc commented 5 years ago

hello, I've almost the same problem, cant see dynaform in GLPI but its okay in processmaker Do we have any solutions ?

tomolimo commented 5 years ago

Hello @mickaelccc As this issue is closed, could you create a new with a reference on this one? Thank you Tomolimo