tomolimo / processmaker

GLPI plugin that provides an interface with ProcessMaker (
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PHP error when creating a new case in a ticket #54

Closed FlatDudeInVR closed 6 years ago

FlatDudeInVR commented 6 years ago


I am currently experiencing an issue when creating a new case in GLPI: the "Task 1" form doesn't display after clicking on "Start" at the last step of Tutorial 1 from this wiki. The page is refreshing, the case is sent to PM server in DRAFT status but the form never displays in the GLPI page.

Server config:

[PHP Modules] apc apcu bcmath calendar Core ctype curl date dom ereg exif fileinfo filter ftp gd gettext hash iconv imap intl json ldap libxml mbstring mcrypt mhash mysql mysqli mysqlnd odbc openssl pcre PDO pdo_mysql pdo_sqlite Phar Reflection session SimpleXML soap SPL standard tidy tokenizer wddx xml xmlreader xmlrpc xmlwriter Zend OPcache zip zlib

[Zend Modules] Zend OPcache

In the php-errors.log (glpi/files/_log) I can see this error at the time I click on "Start" in a case:

2018-03-23 08:48:40 [2@LOCALHOST]
  From PluginProcessmakerProcessmaker::systemInformation() in C:\inetpub\wwwroot\glpi\plugins\processmaker\inc\processmaker.class.php line 467
  SoapFault Object
      [message:protected] => Internal Server Error
      [string:Exception:private] => 
      [code:protected] => 0
      [file:protected] => C:\inetpub\wwwroot\glpi\plugins\processmaker\inc\processmaker.class.php
      [line:protected] => 463
      [trace:Exception:private] => Array
              [0] => Array
                      [function] => __doRequest
                      [class] => SoapClient
                      [type] => ->
                      [args] => Array
                              [0] => <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  <env:Envelope xmlns:env="" xmlns:ns1=""><env:Body><ns1:systemInformationRequest><ns1:sessionId>XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX</ns1:sessionId></ns1:systemInformationRequest></env:Body></env:Envelope>

                              [1] => http://LOCALHOST:81/sysworkflow/en/classic/services/soap2
                              [2] => urn:systemInformation
                              [3] => 2
                              [4] => 0


              [1] => Array
                      [file] => C:\inetpub\wwwroot\glpi\plugins\processmaker\inc\processmaker.class.php
                      [line] => 463
                      [function] => __call
                      [class] => SoapClient
                      [type] => ->
                      [args] => Array
                              [0] => systemInformation
                              [1] => Array
                                      [0] => Array
                                              [sessionId] => XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX




              [2] => Array
                      [file] => C:\inetpub\wwwroot\glpi\plugins\processmaker\inc\config.class.php
                      [line] => 325
                      [function] => systemInformation
                      [class] => PluginProcessmakerProcessmaker
                      [type] => ->
                      [args] => Array


              [3] => Array
                      [file] => C:\inetpub\wwwroot\glpi\plugins\processmaker\inc\config.class.php
                      [line] => 357
                      [function] => showConfigForm
                      [class] => PluginProcessmakerConfig
                      [type] => ::
                      [args] => Array
                              [0] => Config Object
                                      [displaylist:protected] => 
                                      [auto_message_on_action] => 
                                      [showdebug] => 1
                                      [fields] => Array
                                              [id] => 1
                                              [context] => core
                                              [name] => version
                                              [value] => 9.2.2

                                      [dohistory] => 
                                      [history_blacklist] => Array

                                      [no_form_page] => 
                                      [additional_fields_for_dictionnary] => Array

                                      [fkfield:protected] => 
                                      [searchopt:protected] => 
                                      [taborientation] => vertical
                                      [get_item_to_display_tab] => 1
                                      [usenotepad:protected] => 
                                      [notificationqueueonaction] => 
                                      [type:protected] => -1



              [4] => Array
                      [file] => C:\inetpub\wwwroot\glpi\inc\commonglpi.class.php
                      [line] => 482
                      [function] => displayTabContentForItem
                      [class] => PluginProcessmakerConfig
                      [type] => ::
                      [args] => Array
                              [0] => Config Object
                                      [displaylist:protected] => 
                                      [auto_message_on_action] => 
                                      [showdebug] => 1
                                      [fields] => Array
                                              [id] => 1
                                              [context] => core
                                              [name] => version
                                              [value] => 9.2.2

                                      [dohistory] => 
                                      [history_blacklist] => Array

                                      [no_form_page] => 
                                      [additional_fields_for_dictionnary] => Array

                                      [fkfield:protected] => 
                                      [searchopt:protected] => 
                                      [taborientation] => vertical
                                      [get_item_to_display_tab] => 1
                                      [usenotepad:protected] => 
                                      [notificationqueueonaction] => 
                                      [type:protected] => -1

                              [1] => 1
                              [2] => 


              [5] => Array
                      [file] => C:\inetpub\wwwroot\glpi\ajax\common.tabs.php
                      [line] => 96
                      [function] => displayStandardTab
                      [class] => CommonGLPI
                      [type] => ::
                      [args] => Array
                              [0] => Config Object
                                      [displaylist:protected] => 
                                      [auto_message_on_action] => 
                                      [showdebug] => 1
                                      [fields] => Array
                                              [id] => 1
                                              [context] => core
                                              [name] => version
                                              [value] => 9.2.2

                                      [dohistory] => 
                                      [history_blacklist] => Array

                                      [no_form_page] => 
                                      [additional_fields_for_dictionnary] => Array

                                      [fkfield:protected] => 
                                      [searchopt:protected] => 
                                      [taborientation] => vertical
                                      [get_item_to_display_tab] => 1
                                      [usenotepad:protected] => 
                                      [notificationqueueonaction] => 
                                      [type:protected] => -1

                              [1] => PluginProcessmakerConfig$1
                              [2] => 
                              [3] => Array
                                      [_target] => /glpi/front/config.form.php
                                      [id] => 1
                                      [withtemplate] => 
                                      [tabnum] => 1
                                      [itemtype] => PluginProcessmakerConfig




      [previous:Exception:private] => 
      [faultstring] => Internal Server Error
      [faultcode] => HTTP

I have checked several times the rights and configuration in GLPI and PM server but I cannot identify what's wrong. I thank you in advance for your help. Best regards.

tomolimo commented 6 years ago

Hello @gtkshroom ,

Could you copy/paste a screen shot of the PM plugin configuration? Thank you, Regards, Tomolimo

FlatDudeInVR commented 6 years ago

Thank you for your answer. Here is the PM plugin configuration:


tomolimo commented 6 years ago

Hello @gtkshroom ,

  1. Thank you, but you masked the very info that I wanted to check :smile: : the server URL and the common domain... Could you post that info? Could you post also the URL of GLPI server?
  2. Something is strange: you should have some information in the 'Processmaker system information' section, and here it's blank!

Thank you Regards, Tomolimo

FlatDudeInVR commented 6 years ago


  1. Not sure if I'm allowed to reveal the name of the final server. Please assume that "localhost" is under those marks in the screenshot as I had the same PHP behaviour/error of the plugin in a test virtual machine with the same configuration as the final server.
  2. How can I check what is preventing the information from being filled?

Thank you for your help!

tomolimo commented 6 years ago

Hello @FlatDudeInVR Sorry for being so late to answer to you. What I can tell you is that server names must be used and not localhost nor IP addresses. You must use a FQDN for GLPI access and another FQDN for PM server access and both must be in the same domain root like: GLPI: PM: And it seems that currently there is a bug when adding port number to the FQDN. Then please do not use IP ports, use virtual hosts to be able to have the needed configuration.

Thank you Regards, Tomolimo

tomolimo commented 6 years ago

Hello, Closed as I got no news, feel free to reopen if you need. Thank you, Regards, Tomolimo