tompaana / intermediator-bot-sample

A sample bot, built with the Microsoft Bot Framework (v4), that routes messages between two users on different channels.
MIT License
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Error on accepting the chat request on the aggregation channel #50

Open abhishekkant opened 5 years ago

abhishekkant commented 5 years ago


I have taken the default implementation for human handoff from here. It was working fine.

Then I added simple dialogs to the bot project. Now, when i attempt to use human handoff, I receive the following error: Method not found: ‘Void Microsoft.Bot.Schema.ConversationAccount…ctor(System.Nullable`1, System.String, System.String, System.String, System.String, System.String)’.

The above error occurs after the user from web chat requests for help and the request arrives at the aggregate channel (in our case the emulator). The error comes up when the "Accept" button on the aggregate channel is clicked.

What could be the issue?

Some dependencies: Bot Builder Framework: 4.3.2 Bot Message Routing: 2.0.2-alpha ASPNETCore: 2.2.0

Cheers Abhishek Kant

mailforsachin commented 5 years ago


I am receiving the same error.

Sorry, it looks like something went wrong: Method not found: 'Void Microsoft.Bot.Schema.ConversationAccount..ctor(System.Nullable`1, System.String, System.String, System.String, System.String, System.String)'.

I have tried it with webchat and slack and webchat and msteams but it is still the same.

tompaana commented 5 years ago

This problem is caused by the mismatch of the Bot Builder version - the Nuget package of Bot Message Router uses an older version. I will try to update the package soon-ish, but in the meanwhile, here's what you can do:

  1. Remove the Bot Message Routing Nuget package from the solution
  2. Clone or copy the Bot Message Routing project (
  3. Add the Bot Message Routing project into the solution
  4. Update the Bot Builder version used by the Bot Message Routing project

That will fix the method not found exception.

mailforsachin commented 5 years ago


I am missing something. So I used Nuget package manager to remove the Routing package form the solution (Step 1) then cloned the sample to the same directory (2) ... added the bot msg routing project by importing the CSPROJ file. and then updated the bot builder libraries


It is not able to find the assembly Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State Error CS0246 The type or namespace name 'ConversationReference' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?) BotMessageRouting C:\Users\124708\Desktop\intermediator-bot-sample\bot-message-routing\BotMessageRouting\MessageRouting\DataStore\RoutingDataManager.cs 152 Active

mailforsachin commented 5 years ago

@tompaana Can you please check the snapshots I send and let us know what we need to do to fix this? Appreciate your help.

mailforsachin commented 5 years ago

Hi @tompaana Could you please assist to get this sorted?

tompaana commented 5 years ago


Worked for me.

mailforsachin commented 5 years ago

Thanks @tompaana It is working as expected. But how do we integrate this with the Enterprise Bot template? We are having issues compiling or rather building the code with our existing EBT bot

praveengov commented 5 years ago

@tompaana Still, it is throwing the same issue when I updated bot framework to 4.5.1

Human handoff_Issue

mailforsachin commented 5 years ago

@praveengov Check the thread. I faced the same issue and it was resolved.

praveengov commented 5 years ago

@praveengov Check the thread. I faced the same issue and it was resolved.

@mailforsachin Yes Sachin. Just now I re-published and tested. Now it is working fine!! Thanks :)

rungsoso commented 5 years ago

Bot Builder Framework: 4.5.1

  1. Remove the Bot Message Routing Nuget package from the solution
  2. Clone or copy the Bot Message Routing project (
  3. Open BotMessageRouting.sln Update Nuget packet Microsoft.Bot.Builder from 4.2.2 to 4.5.1 and Rebuild project
  4. Add reference BotMessageRouting.dll to solution

That will fix for me