tompollard / phd_thesis_markdown

Template for writing a PhD thesis in Markdown
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Simplify citing by automatizing reference list generation #112

Open elatella opened 2 years ago

elatella commented 2 years ago

Would it be possible to add a feature, where one only has to cite the doi in the text, and it would automatically generate the reference in the reference list and manage it. Similar to how manubot handles it:

acorreya commented 2 years ago

Update 2

The below lua-filter should solve this. Download doi2cite.lua to either the main thesis folder or to the pandoc share folder and add a line -L doi2cite.lua \ to the Makefile under the pdf: section in an appropriate location.

@tompollard, you can close this if you agree.

Update 1

I came over this, and it looks like a lua/py filter for pandoc can do some magic. Unfortunately, time is what a grad does not have.[enter_DOI_here_for_bib]

If you are using Linux, you can get it by using (neo)vim and the plugin to do this if the need is immediate.


Now you can just type @authorname or @keyword and press ^x^o to get a dropdown to select from.

The method is patchy and convoluted, but works.