tomquist / b2500-meter

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Smartmeter recognized by B2500 but .... #2

Open Lexx3D opened 2 weeks ago

Lexx3D commented 2 weeks ago


as owner of a Marstek Smartmeter i'm glad you came with this, as i hope soon working solution.

To test your script i made a small bash script that just outputs 21W of powerconsumption expecting the B2500 to send +- 20W into the grid. But all i got where spikes of about 600W , rest of the time 0 output. That's btw is also happening every now and then when the is not running and adaption is selected but less frequently.

Ok, i thought maybe too low values for the B2500 so i changed it to send 85W, same result. "Maybe too fast with 1s pause?", so i slowed's output down to send only every 10 sec, same result, i guess not an overload of information though.

I use to program different languages from time to time, never used py before but i guess i get along to do some minor changes not disturbing the workflow of your original source :)

Keep up the good work, i'm really looking forward to get this up and running... :)


My "script":

#!  /bin/bash

echo "25

That's what does with it:

Testing powermeter configuration...
Successfully fetched powermeter value: 25W | 25W | 35W
TCP server is listening...
TCP connection established with ('', 10000)
Received 'hello'
Sent message: HM:85|0|0
Sent message: HM:85|0|0
Sent message: HM:85|0|0
Connection with ('', 10000) broken. Waiting for a new connection.
TCP connection established with ('', 10000)
Received 'hello'

and so on....

Some more Info: Marstek B2500 210 Py 3.9.2 Raspbian x86

Snotmann commented 2 weeks ago

Got the same issue ... the storage powers out what it can, and then the output went down to 0, i will slow down the output too ... did this help you??? @Lexx3D ... all 10 seconds will be enough i think !

tomquist commented 2 weeks ago

The original smart meter also sends a measurement every second so I don’t think slowing down would help. The issue most likely is caused by the firmware, which needs an update. Right now unfortunately the adaptive regulation of the storage seems to be quite unusable.

Lexx3D commented 2 weeks ago


Got the same issue ... the storage powers out what it can, and then the output went down to 0, i will slow down the output too ... did this help you??? @Lexx3D ... all 10 seconds will be enough i think !

Nope sadly does not help.


The original smart meter also sends a measurement every second so I don’t think slowing down would help. The issue most likely is caused by the firmware, which needs an update. Right now unfortunately the adaptive regulation of the storage seems to be quite unusable.

Yes my opinion as well. Marstek ( Hametech ) support told me Firmware version 200 does not solve the CT001 adaptation problem. The technical team would be working on a new firmware version to address this issue.

My guess with the new batterymodels coming these days this issue may last long ....

just curious, with which version of fw & brand are you using the script and does it work as it should?

tomquist commented 2 weeks ago

I’m not really using the script because I have a Hoymiles Inverter and am using HoymilesZeroExport for zero export. I tried the adaptive mode with my script on v163 but it was not working at all.