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Open mvorotyn opened 9 years ago

mvorotyn commented 9 years ago

Like your article "C++ for Java Programmers = Culture shock!" :). Same story with me ... Last time programming in C# - good OOP language with Garbage Collector, very similar with Java . Also with C# you can make 2D games on Unity engine . If you like to make 3D games - try Unreal Engine (language - UnrealScript, it is look like C#) . It is not so hard as many people think... but takes a lot of time. Now learning Ruby , it looks very promising for Web development, and maybe it will be interesting for you too. Good Luck!

tomsik68 commented 9 years ago

Hey, I'm glad you liked the article :D I was working in C# for a short time too, so I know it a little bit, but I like to stay away from it, because my main platform is Linux, which only supports it through mono, which is slower, limited and doesn't work the same way as on windows. That's also reason why I don't work with unity. For game development, I'd like to learn C++, because writing all the code is my preferred way of creating games. Thanks for recommendations though, I'll definitely check it out at least :) I recently made a webserver which can download files with NodeJS which is waiting to be published :D I'll probably look into ruby on rails later if I'll need that.

mvorotyn commented 9 years ago

Serverside javascript is also cool :) Do you know which Linux distribution better for Nginx Web server? I am not pro linux user... but anyway I need a production server for ROR .

tomsik68 commented 9 years ago

If you're not pro, you might want to try debian. It is one of the easiest distros with easy installation, administration and lots of webpages rely on this distro. Ruby on rails is setup using modules, you'll have to google it. I've also heard redhat is used in production, but I know nothing about it.

mvorotyn commented 9 years ago

Yes, I already found good instruction for Ubuntu. For first, I will try Linux Mint 17-v2 'Qiana' Cinnamon (it is based on Ubuntu, but looks much better than Ubuntu with Unity, which I have used long time ago). I have Quad-core CPU on my server, so... there will be not big difference in performance between Debian based system and Ubuntu based, right?

tomsik68 commented 9 years ago

I think there won't be big difference, but debian would be slightly faster as it doesn't contain so many packages.