tomtastic / macos

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Support granular half-star ratings #1

Open tomtastic opened 4 years ago

tomtastic commented 4 years ago

Track ratings go from 0 to 100, where a whole ★ corresponds to each 20. 0 ☆ 20 ★ 40 ★★ 60 ★★★ 80 ★★★★ 100 ★★★★★

We should support adding half-stars using a divisor of 10. 0 ☆ 10 ½ 20 ★ 30 ★½ 40 ★★ 50 ★★½ etc.

This would be made easier if Ken Shirriff's unicode proposal for half-stars was agreed.

tomtastic commented 4 years ago

May require this first? :

defaults write allow-half-stars -bool true