tomthecarrot / arcore-for-all

Google ARCore (dev preview 1) for "unsupported" Android devices
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge EMEA doesnt work! #54

Open gestaltermedien opened 6 years ago

gestaltermedien commented 6 years ago


just wanted to let you know that it doesnt work for a Samsung Galxy S7 Edge from EMEA. I hope that Google is working on the newer devices and will announce it soon. If not, i also would be happy if you could work on that :)

Cheers -J

xmak commented 6 years ago

I would also like to see this happen on my Samsung S7.

If any help is needed, I will gladly give it. I can help with researching, debugging, testing... I am a developer myself, but i lack experience with Android platform and AR Core to figure out how to do this by myself.

xmak commented 6 years ago

From the adb log (see below), it seems like the file online-calibration.xml could not be found. I have tried to fix it by doing the restore as described in this issue, but it didn't work.


Can this be solved by packaging online-calibration.xml file in arcore-preview-modified.apk? What about changing active file to kHardcodedCadModel as suggested in the log output? (just for testing purposes)

09-27 15:13:27.900  5564  5600 D UE4     : [2017.09.27-13.13.27:900][  0]LogGoogleARCoreHMD: Creating Tango HMD
09-27 15:13:28.207  5564  5564 I TangoClientLibLoader: Pure Java path, not loading at all.
09-27 15:13:28.632  3743 11972 D MountService: getExternalStorageMountMode : final mountMode=1, uid : 10636, packageName :
09-27 15:13:28.670  3743 11972 I ActivityManager: Start proc for service
09-27 15:13:28.678  5652  5652 I SELinux : SELinux: seapp_context_lookup: seinfo=untrusted, level=s0:c512,c768,
09-27 15:13:28.719  3743  8456 I ActivityManager: DSS on for and scale is 1.0
09-27 15:13:28.812  5564  5667 I TangoCameraNative: Tango VHS Ready
09-27 15:13:28.813  5652  5663 D tango-ndk-hal: void Java_com_google_atap_tango_TangoVirtualHalService_initialize(JNIEnv*, jclass) 0x0
09-27 15:13:28.835  5564  5667 I tango_camera_native_jni: jint Java_com_google_tango_jni_TangoCameraNative_ConnectVhs(JNIEnv*, jobject, jobject, jobject)
09-27 15:13:28.893  5652  5671 I tango   : Creating new g_tango.
09-27 15:13:28.900  5652  5671 I tango   : Instantiating calibration provider with sources:
09-27 15:13:28.900  5652  5671 I tango   :      CAD:
09-27 15:13:28.900  5652  5671 I tango   :      Factory:
09-27 15:13:28.900  5652  5671 I tango   :      Online: /data/data/
09-27 15:13:28.900  5652  5671 I tango   :      ActiveFile: kOnlineCalibrationFile
09-27 15:13:28.900  5652  5671 I tango   :      Hardcoded CAD model fallback: Enabled
09-27 15:13:28.901  5652  5671 W tango   : Requested parsing of Online calibration, but failed to parse it and the following fallbacks:
09-27 15:13:28.901  5652  5671 W tango   : - Online calibration: File does not exist: /data/data/
09-27 15:13:28.901  5652  5671 W tango   : - Factory calibration: File not set.
09-27 15:13:28.901  5652  5671 W tango   : - CAD calibration: File not set.
09-27 15:13:28.901  5652  5671 W tango   : - Hardcoded CAD model: Could not load hardcoded CAD model. It is only available when:
09-27 15:13:28.901  5652  5671 W tango   :   - Explicitly setting the active file to kHardcodedCadModel.
09-27 15:13:28.901  5652  5671 W tango   :   - On device, as a fallback when reading the CAD calibration file fails.
09-27 15:13:28.901  5652  5652 F libc    : Fatal signal 6 (SIGABRT), code -6 in tid 5652 (
09-27 15:13:29.006  5672  5672 F DEBUG   : pid: 5652, tid: 5652, name:  >>> <<<
09-27 15:13:29.019  5672  5672 F DEBUG   :     #05 pc 0000000000100718  /data/app/ (_ZN13MessageLoggerD2Ev+4120)
09-27 15:13:29.019  5672  5672 F DEBUG   :     #06 pc 0000000000c8433c  /data/app/
09-27 15:13:29.019  5672  5672 F DEBUG   :     #07 pc 0000000000c85be8  /data/app/
09-27 15:13:29.019  5672  5672 F DEBUG   :     #08 pc 0000000000129150  /data/app/ (_ZN13tango_service12TangoContextC1ESt10shared_ptrINS_15JniTangoServiceEE+512)
09-27 15:13:29.019  5672  5672 F DEBUG   :     #09 pc 000000000013c80c  /data/app/ (_ZN12tango_binder7ServiceC2ESt10shared_ptrIN13tango_service15JniTangoServiceEE+228)
09-27 15:13:29.019  5672  5672 F DEBUG   :     #10 pc 000000000013a238  /data/app/ (Java_com_google_atap_tango_TangoServiceJNINative_CreateNativeService+972)
09-27 15:13:29.019  5672  5672 F DEBUG   :     #11 pc 00000000007f5e98  /data/app/ (offset 0x7a7000)
09-27 15:13:30.328  3259  3259 E audit   : type=1701 audit(1506518010.316:5258): auid=4294967295 uid=10636 gid=10636 ses=4294967295 subj=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c512,c768 pid=5652 comm="" exe="/system/bin/app_process64" sig=6
09-27 15:13:30.395  3743  4749 I ActivityManager: Process (pid 5652) has died(92,1139)