tomthetrainer / class_labs

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Physionet #4

Closed bpark738 closed 7 years ago

bpark738 commented 7 years ago

bpark738 commented 7 years ago

Renamed file and updated class name

tomthetrainer commented 7 years ago

This needs to change to ClassPathResource and point to resources content. Or needs to be automated and described in a setup document

private static File baseDir = new File("/Users/Briton/Desktop/resourcesP/physionet2012"); private static File featuresDir = new File(baseDir, "sequence");

tomthetrainer commented 7 years ago

if class name changes then logger name changes, private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(PhysionetMultivariateTimeSeriesClassification.class);

tomthetrainer commented 7 years ago

Minor issues, The snapshot requirement, I defer to Dave and Britons opinion on that, Any change like that to the POM and I have to run all examples and verify they still work, if things do not work then life is hard. Changing code is also hard, so do what you think is right.

Logging: I changed this line..

// For logging with SL4J private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(PhysionetMultivariateTimeSeriesClassification.class);

I also had to add this because I do not have Log4J configuration in my path or something.

public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException, InterruptedException { BasicConfigurator.configure();

Also we have two resources folders, we should use just the one. class_labs/src/main/resources and class_labs/training-labs/src/main/resources

Move physionet from class_labs/src/main/resources to class_labs/training-labs/src/main/resources